Editing a filesystem using the CLI

Content Software for File CLI Reference

Part Number


weka fs update

Use the following command line to edit an existing filesystem:

weka fs update <name> [--new-name=<new-name>] [--total-capacity=<total-capacity>] [--ssd-capacity=<ssd-capacity>] [--thin-provision-min-ssd <thin-provision-min-ssd>] [--thin-provision-max-ssd <thin-provision-max-ssd>] [--max-files=<max-files>] [--auth-required=<auth-required>]


Name Type Value Limitations Mandatory Default
name String Name of the filesystem being edited Must be a valid name Yes ​
new-name String New name for the filesystem Must be a valid name Optional Keep unchanged
total-capacity Number Total capacity of the edited filesystem Must be a valid number Optional Keep unchanged
ssd-capacity Number SSD capacity of the edited filesystem Minimum of 1GiB Optional Keep unchanged
thin-provision-min-ssd Number For thin-provisioned filesystems, this is the minimum SSD capacity that is ensured to be always available to this filesystem Minimum of 1GiB Optional  
thin-provision-max-ssd Number For thin-provisioned filesystems, this is the maximum SSD capacity the filesystem can consume Cannot exceed the total-capacity Optional  
max-files Number Metadata limit for the filesystem Must be a valid number Optional Keep unchanged
auth-required String Determines if mounting the filesystem requires to be authenticated to Content Software for File yes or no

For a filesystem hosting NFS exports or SMB shares, enabling authentication is not allowed.

No no