Adding a filesystem using the CLI

Content Software for File CLI Reference

Part Number


weka fs create

Use the following command line to add a filesystem:

weka fs create <name> <group-name> <total-capacity> [--ssd-capacity <ssd-capacity>] [--thin-provision-min-ssd <thin-provision-min-ssd>] [--thin-provision-max-ssd <thin-provision-max-ssd>] [--max-files <max-files>] [--encrypted] [--obs-name <obs-name>] [--auth-required <auth-required>]


Name Type Value Limitations Mandatory Default
name String Name of the filesystem being created Must be a valid name Yes
group-name String Name of the filesystem group to which the new filesystem is to be connected Must be a valid name Yes
total-capacity Number Total capacity of the new filesystem Minimum of 1GiB Yes
ssd-capacity Number For tiered filesystems, this is the SSD capacity. If not specified, the filesystem is pinned to SSD Minimum of 1GiB No SSD capacity will be set to total capacity
thin-provision-min-ssd Number For thin-provisioned filesystems, this is the minimum SSD capacity that is ensured to be always available to this filesystem Minimum of 1GiB No. Must be set when defining a thin-provisioned filesystem.  
thin-provision-max-ssd Number For thin-provisioned filesystem, this is the maximum SSD capacity the filesystem can consume Cannot exceed the total-capacity    
max-files Number Metadata allocation for this filesystem Must be a valid number No Automatically calculated by the system based on the SSD capacity
encrypted Boolean Encryption of filesystem No No
obs-name String Object store name for tiering Must be a valid name Mandatory for tiered filesystems
auth-required String Determines if mounting the filesystem requires to be authenticated to Content Software for File yes or no

For a filesystem hosting NFS exports or SMB shares, enabling authentication is not allowed.

No no
Note: When creating an encrypted filesystem a KMS must be defined.
  • To define an encrypted filesystem without a KMS, it is possible to use the--allow-no-kms parameter in the command. This can be useful when running POCs but should not be used in production, since the security chain is compromised when a KMS is not used.
  • If filesystem keys exist when adding a KMS, they are automatically re-encrypted by the KMS for any future use.