Changing the front-end network settings

Installing an HCP SAIN System - Final On-Site Setup

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  1. In the top-level menu of the System Management Console, select Configuration > Networks.
  2. In the list of networks on the Networks page, click [hcp_system].
  3. In the panel for the [hcp_system] network:
    • Type the new IP address, in the Gateway field, to change the gateway IP address.
    • Type the new subnet mask, to change the subnet mask, in the Netmask field.
    • Select the Make tagged network option to make the front-end network tagged. Then, in the VLAN ID field, type a unique VLAN ID for the network. Valid values are integers in the range one through 4,095.
    • Click the Downstream DNS Configuration to change the DNS settings for the network. Following is the workflow for this process.
      • To enable or disable hidden master, select or deselect, respectively, the Enable hidden master option.
      • To enable or disable hidden master, select or deselect,respectively, the Enable hidden master option.
      • To enable or disable notify, select or deselect, respectively, the Enable Notify option.
      • If you are enabling hidden master or notify, in the Downstream DNS Servers field, type a comma-separated list of the IP addresses of one through ten downstream DNS servers. Spaces are not allowed.
      • To change the refresh rate, in the Refresh Rate field, type the new refresh rate. For valid values for the refresh rate, see "Changing the network settings" .
    • To change the node IP addresses, in the Node IP Addresses section, type a new front-end IP addresses for the nodes in the HCP system.
    Note: Do not change the value in the MTU field.
  4. Click Update Settings.
    A warning message appears asking you to confirm the changes you’ve made.
  5. In the field in the message window, type YES. This is case sensitive.
  6. Click Update Settings.
    The HCP system restarts with the new settings. This takes a few minutes.
  7. If you do not need to change the back-end settings, you can now safely connect the HCP system to your corporate network
  8. Log back into the System Management console after the system restarts. Then proceed to the configuration activity.