Following is a workflow to create a user account to reconfigure the HCP system, in the HCP System Management Console:
- In the top-level menu, select Security > Users.
- On the Users page, click Create User Account.
- In the Create User Account panel:
- In the Username field, type a username for the user account.
Usernames must be from one through 64 characters long and may contain any valid UTF-8 characters. It cannot start with an opening square bracket ([). White space is allowed.
- In the Full Name field, type a full name for the user account.
This name must be from one through 64 characters long and may contain any valid UTF-8 characters, including white space.
- In the Password field, type a password for the user account.
Passwords must be from six through 64 characters long. They are case sensitive and contain any valid UTF-8 characters, including white space. The minimum password length is six characters. To be valid, a password must include at least one character from two of these three groups: alphabetic, numeric, and other.
- In the Confirm Password field, type the password again.
Note: Remember this password. You will need it for the reconfiguration activities in this chapter.
- In the Roles section, select Service.
- In the Username field, type a username for the user account.
- Click the Create Account button.
- In the upper right corner of the console, click Log Out.
The console returns to the login page.