Create a service account

Installing an HCP RAIN System - Final On-Site Setup

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Following is a workflow to create a user account to reconfigure the HCP system, in the HCP System Management Console:

  1. In the top-level menu, select Security > Users.
  2. On the Users page, click Create User Account.
  3. In the Create User Account panel:
    1. In the Username field, type a username for the user account.
      Usernames must be from one through 64 characters long and may contain any valid UTF-8 characters. It cannot start with an opening square bracket ([). White space is allowed.
    2. In the Full Name field, type a full name for the user account.
      This name must be from one through 64 characters long and may contain any valid UTF-8 characters, including white space.
    3. In the Password field, type a password for the user account.
      Passwords must be from six through 64 characters long. They are case sensitive and contain any valid UTF-8 characters, including white space. The minimum password length is six characters. To be valid, a password must include at least one character from two of these three groups: alphabetic, numeric, and other.
    4. In the Confirm Password field, type the password again.
      Note: Remember this password. You will need it for the reconfiguration activities in this chapter.
    5. In the Roles section, select Service.
  4. Click the Create Account button.
  5. In the upper right corner of the console, click Log Out.
    The console returns to the login page.