Check the health of the HCP system

Installing an HCP RAIN System - Final On-Site Setup

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Following is a workflow to ensure that the HCP system is running properly.

  1. In the top-level menu of the HCP System Management Console, click Hardware.
  2. On the Hardware page, for each node, check that:
    1. The node status is Available
    2. The status of each logical volume is Available
    Tip: To see the status of a logical volume, hover over the volume icon.

    If all the nodes and logical volumes are available, you can safely continue with the HCP system reconfiguration.

    If any nodes have a status other than Available or if any logical volumes for available nodes have a status other than Available, please contact your authorized HCP service provider for help. Also contact your service provider if the number of logical volume icons for each node does not match your expected number of logical volumes for the node.