An HCP with internal storage system includes four PDUs. Each PDU has a fixed power cable of the applicable type for the location for which the system was ordered.
A system that includes more than twelve nodes or that has a front-end connection uses all four PDUs.
Note: Depending on the components included in an HCP with internal storage system that you assemble yourself, you may choose to have only two PDUs in the rack.
Each node in an HCP with internal storage system is connected to two PDUs.
You need to connect each PDU to a different power source at your site. If possible, these should be uninterruptible power sources (UPSs).
Important: Before connecting the PDUs to the power sources, ensure that all the power cables connecting the system components to the PDUs are firmly seated at both ends. These can sometimes come loose during shipping.
After you’ve connected the PDUs to the power sources, you can power on the nodes. The switches power on automatically when the PDUs are connected to the power sources.