Configuring an HCP secondary zone or stub zone in Unix

Installing an HCP RAIN System - Final On-Site Setup

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With BIND in Unix, zones are defined in the /etc/named.conf file on the DNS servers. In the definition of a secondary zone or stub zone for an HCP domain, you specify:

  • The applicable fully qualified domain name for the HCP system
  • The zone type (slave for a secondary zone or stub for a stub zone)
  • The name of the file you want the system to use to cache DNS query results for a faster lookup
  • A list of the IP addresses of the master name servers for the secondary zone or stub zone (be sure to use all of the node IP addresses assigned to each node for the applicable network)

Here’s a sample zone statement that defines a secondary zone for an HCP domain with the domain name and four registered master name servers:

zone "" IN {
          type slave;
          file "/var/named/slave/";
         2001:0db8::102;2001:0db8::103;2001:0db8::104; };

Here’s a sample zone statement that defines a stub zone for the same domain:

zone "" IN {
         type stub;
         file "/var/named/stub/";