Performing additional system configuration procedures

Installing an HCP system

Part Number

After verifying that the HCP system was installed correctly, you can perform additional system configuration procedures, as necessary, to configure HCP to meet your business needs. For example, you can enable syslog logging or disable ping.

To perform additional system configuration procedures:

  1. Log into the HCP System Management Console as the security user (if you’re not already logged in).
  2. Create a new user account with the administrator role.
    Alternatively, you can add the administrator role to the security user account and then skip step 3.
  3. Log out of the System Management Console. Then log in again using the new account with the administrator role.
  4. Perform the required configuration procedures.
  5. Log out of the System Management Console
  6. HCP System Management Console. Then log in again using the security account.
  7. Log out of the System Management Console and close the browser window to ensure that no one can return to the Console without a fresh login.
    For information about creating user accounts and performing system configuration procedures, see Administering HCP.