HCP with SAN-attached storage system architecture

Installing an HCP system

Part Number

The following figure shows the architecture of an HCP system that uses a Fibre Channel SAN array. This system has four storage nodes, two modular storage trays, two back-end switches (on the left), and two front-end switches (on the right). Each node has multipathed access to the shared SAN storage.

The image has (4) storage nodes, (2) modular storage trays, (2) back-end switches, and (2) front-end switches

The following table describes the cables in this figure.

Cable Connects from Connects to
Red and blue Ethernet Back-end NICs in each node Back-end switches
Green and yellow Ethernet Front-end NICs in each node Front-end switches
Purple Ethernet Back-end switches Each other
Orange Fibre Channel Each node SAN array
Black power Each node Two PDUs
Each back-end switch One PDU
Each storage tray Two PDUs
  • Nodes in HCP with SAN-attached storage systems are either individual servers or individual blades in blade servers. The figure shows individual servers.
  • Some HCP with SAN-attached storage systems include Fibre Channel switches between the nodes and the SAN arrays.