
Installing an HCP system

Part Number

When installing the HCP software, you need this networking information:

  • If the front-end network IP mode is set to IPv4 or Dual, the IPv4 gateway IP address used to route requests from the HCP system to the front-end network. This is the same as the front-end network IPv4 gateway IP address that you specified during the OS installation.
  • If the front-end network IP mode is set to IPv6 or Dual:
    • The primary IPv6 gateway IP address used to route requests from the HCP system to the front-end network. This is the same as the primary IPv6 gateway IP address that you specified for the front-end network during the OS installation.
    • Optionally, the secondary IPv6 gateway IP address used to route requests from the HCP system to the front-end network. If you specified a secondary IPv6 gateway IP address for the front-end network during the OS installation, specify that IP address during the HCP software installation. If you did not specify a secondary IPv6 gateway IP address during the OS installation, do not specify one during the HCP software installation.
  • The system-specific IP address that the HCP nodes use to multicast messages to the other nodes in the system over the back-end network. This address must begin with 238.

    Normally, you accept the default multicast address proposed by the installation program. This default is