Use this form to record the information for an Appliance OS installation.
General front-end network configuration settings
Front-end network bonding mode: ☐ Active-backup ☐ 802.3ad
Front-end network IP mode: ☐ IPv4 ☐ IPv6 ☐ Dual
Front-end network VLAN ID: ☐ Yes:__________ ☐ No
Front-end network subnet configuration settings
IPv4 address subnet mask:
IPv4 gateway IP address:
Primary IPv6 address prefix length:
Primary IPv6 gateway IP address:
Secondary IPv6 address prefix length:
Secondary IPv6 gateway IP address:
Front-end and back-end network IP addresses assigned to the node
For each node, specify the front-end network IPv4 address/primary IPv6 address/secondary IPv6 address/back-end network IP address:
Node 1:
Node 2:
Node 3:
Node 4:
Node 5:
Node 6:
Node 7:
Node 8:
Node 9:
Node 10:
Node 11:
Node 12: