Required tools and supplies

Installing an HCP SAIN System - Final On-Site Setup

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When assembling, deploying, or maintaining an HCP system, you may need certain tools and supplies. The items you need for any given procedure are listed before the instructions for that procedure.

These are all the tools and supplies that may be required:

Depending on the type of storage devices used in conjunction with the HCP system, a lift may be required to install or maintain disk storage trays into a rack. The lift must be rated at a minimum of 400 pounds (182kg).
For installation and maintenance procedures on an HCP system, the following tools may be required:
  • #1 Phillips screwdriver
  • #2 Phillips screwdriver
  • ΒΌ-inch flat-head screwdriver
  • Caged nut tool
  • Wire cutter
Keyboard and monitor
For the installation of the HCP software, or to perform diagnostics and recover the HCP software, you need a USB keyboard and VGA monitor.
Laptop computer
To upload an HCP software update file, license file, or to use the management console you will need to use a browser on a laptop computer.
1Gb CAT6 Ethernet cable
To connect the laptop computer to the back-end network switch, you need a 1Gb CAT6 Ethernet cable. For 10GB systems, a 1Gb adapter for the switch will be provided.
PDUs with C13/C19 power outlets
To provide power to the HCP system during installation, you need two PDUs with C13 and/or C19 outlets as appropriate for the system being configured. You need these PDUs only if the HCP system will be shipped without a rack.
One 4GB or larger USB flash drives
For the HCP software installation, you need one 4GB or greater USB flash drive. For the best results, use the certified Hitachi Vantara part number DTI4GL.P