Making the back-end switches known to HCP

Installing an HCP SAIN System - Final On-Site Setup

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You can choose to have HCP report the status of the back-end switches in the System Management Console. For HCP to do this, you need to make each switch known to HCP. You do this by telling HCP about the model and IP address of the switch.
By default, the IP addresses of all back-end switches, regardless of manufacturer, are shown in the following table.
Table. Default IP addresses for all back-end switches
Switch type Default IP address for switch A Default IP address for switch B
Fibre Channel

If you changed the back-end IP addresses of the HCP nodes, the switch IP addresses need to change as well. For help with this, contact your authorized HCP service provider.

  1. In the top-level menu of the System Management Console, select Configuration > Monitored Components.
  2. On the Monitored Components page, for each switch:
    1. Click Add.
      A new row appears in the Components list. If you inadvertently add an extra row, click the Delete control for the row to remove it.
    2. In the Model field in the new row, select the model of the switch that’s supplied with the system.
    3. In the IP Address field, type a valid IPv4 address for the switch.
  3. Click Update Settings.