Changing time settings

Installing an HCP SAIN System - Final On-Site Setup

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If you choose to use external time servers, you need to know the IP addresses or hostnames of these servers.

Note: For you to specify an external time server, the HCP system must have connectivity to the time server through the front-end network.

In any case, you need to know the time zone you want HCP to use. It stores all times (such as creation dates and retention settings) in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and uses its time zone setting only for presentation purposes.

Note: HCP systems can be configured not to allow changes to time settings through the System Management console. If your system is configured this way, you cannot make the changes described in this section.

To change time-settings for the HCP system:

  1. In the top-level menu of the System Management Console, select Configuration > Time.
  2. On the Time Settings page:
    • Optionally, in the Time Servers field, type a comma-separated list of the IP addresses or hostnames of one or more time servers. Spaces are allowed.
    • Optionally, if the time source is internal, in the Current Time field, type the current time. The format for the time is MMDDhhmmYYYY, where MM is the two-digit month, DD is the two-digit day, hh is hours on a 24-hour clock, mm is minutes, and YYYY is the four-digit year. The time you specify cannot be more than one year in the future or 23 hours and 45 minutes in the past. If the time source is internal and you leave this field blank, the current system time doesn’t change.
    • Optionally, in the Time Zone field, select the new time zone.
  3. Click the Update Settings button.
    A warning message apperas asking you to confirm the changes you have made.
  4. In the field in the message window, type YES. This is case sensitive.
  5. Click the Update Settings button.
    The console confirms that you have successfully updated the time settings, and HCP restarts. Wait a few minutes for the system to finish restarting. Then proceed to the next reconfiguration activity.