Cabling a Fibre Channel switch to a storage array in appliance configuration

Installing an HCP SAIN System - Final On-Site Setup

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  1. Select a three meter fiber optic jumper cable.
  2. Locate the label sheet containing pairs of numbered decals.
  3. Label both ends of the fiber optic cable.
    1. Starting at label 01 and proceeding sequentially, peel off the first of the pair and attach it to one end of the fiber optic cable.
    2. Peel off the second of the pair and attach it to the other end of the fiber optic cable.
  4. Attach one end of the fiber optic cable to a port on the storage array. Attach the other end of the cable to a port on one the switches in rack position U25 or U26 according to the following list of port pairs.
    The pairs are defined as the port on the storage array (controller-port) and port on the switch (rack position-port). The information in the following table applies to VSP Gx00 models. If the storage array included on the order is not one of these types, substitute the appropriate ports on the storage array for the ones shown in the table.
    Primary Secondary
    C0-P0A to U25-P17 C1-P1A to U26-P17
    C0-P0B to U25-P18 C1-P1B to U26-P18
    C0-P0C to U25-P19 C1-P1C to U26-P19
    C0-P0D to U25-P20 C1-P1D to U26-P20
    C0-P0E to U25-P21 C1-P1E to U26-P21
    C0-P0F to U25-P22 C1-P1F to U26-P22
    C0-P0G to U25-P23 C1-P1G to U26-P23
    C0-P0H to U25-P24 C1-P1H to U26-P24
  5. Repeat steps one through four for each cable to be connected between the storage array and the Fibre Channel switches.
    The number of cables you connect is always an even number, but you might not use all of the ports. See the HCP system configuration sheet uploaded with the order for more information.
  6. Neatly organize the fiber optic cables and use Velcro to attach them to the cable organizer in the rack.
    Make sure the cables meet a minimum bend radius of four inches (100mm) and are not crimped when organized as this can damage the fiber optic cable.