Connect the Brocade ICX 6430 Ethernet cables

Installing an HCP SAIN System - Final On-Site Setup

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  1. Locate the purple one-foot CAT-6 Ethernet cable (541-145-001.P) and connect it from port one on the switch in position U27 to port one on the switch in position U28.
  2. Locate one red and one blue Ethernet cable harness.
    The first two CAT-6 cable harnesses are seven feet in length. If there are additional sets of cable harnesses, they are 25 feet in length and are used for nodes 17 through 80.
  3. Connect the short end of the red cable harness cables to the switch in rack position U37 on the proper left hand switch module.
    Connect cables 01 through 08 to the proper ports on the switch corresponding to node numbers one through eight.
  4. Connect the short end of the blue cable harness cables to the switch in rack position U37 on the proper right hand switch module.
    Connect cables 01 through 08 to the proper ports on the switch corresponding to node numbers one through eight.
  5. Tie off the short end of the remaining red and blue cables (cables 09-12 and EXTRA) neatly.
  6. Connect the long end of the red cable harness cables to the HCP G11 Nodes one through eight using the back-end network port marked PRI.
    Not all of the cables may be used if the number of nodes is less than eight.
  7. Connect the long end of the blue cable harness cables to the HCP G11 Nodes one through eight using the back-end network port marked SEC.
    Some of the cables might not be used if the number of nodes is less than eight.
  8. Tie off the long end of the remaining red and blue cables (cables 09-12, EXTRA, and any other unused cables) neatly.
  9. Attach the cable harnesses to the cable management trays at the rear of the rack on the left or right side of the rack.
  10. Repeat steps one through eight, incrementing the node numbers as appropriate.
    • If there are more than eight nodes in the HCP system, increment the node numbers by eight.
    • If there are more than 16 nodes in the HCP system, increment the node numbers by 16.