Deleting databases from older database volumes

Deploying an HCP VM System on KVM

Part Number
  1. From the HCP Configuration Menu, enter s to display the HCP Service Menu.
  2. In response to the confirmation prompt, enter y or yes to confirm your entry n or no to try again.
    When you enter y or yes, the HCP Service Menu appears.
    HCP Service Menu
    [1] Recover an HCP Node
    [2] Display the Current System Status
    [3] Shut down the HCP System
    [4] Free Space on Nodes
    [5] Install a Hotfix
    [6] Finalize Migration
    [7] Change Region Count
    [8] Configure Routine Database Maintenance
    [9] Configure Time Settings
    [10] Migrate Metadata Regions
    [11] Perform Node Swap
    [s] Perform SSD Maintenance
    [m] Manage Database Volumes
    [q] Return to Configuration Menu
    Enter your choice.
    [Default: 1]: m
  3. From the HCP Service Menu, enter m.
  4. In response to the confirming prompt, enter y or yes to confirm your entry or n or no to try again.
    When you enter y or yes, HCP Setup displays the Manage Database Volumes menu.
    Manage Database Volumes
    [1] Delete Old Database
    [q] Return to Configuration Menu
    [Enter your choice.
    [Default: d]:
  5. From the Manage Database Volumes menu, enter d.
    You can delete the database from the older database volume only if you have completed the database move procedure.
  6. In response to the confirming prompt, enter y or yes to confirm your entry or n or no to try again.
    When you enter y or yes, HCP Setup displays the Delete Old Database menu.
    Delete Old Database
    WARNING: This procedure deletes the old HCP database from its original storage volumes.
    The database on the optimal storage volumes will be preserved.
    Do you want to continue? Yes or No.
    [Default: no]: yes
    Deleting the old database: #
    The old database has been deleted. Press ENTER to continue:
  7. In response to the confirming prompt, enter y or yes to confirm your entry or n or no to try again.
    After the procedure is complete, press Enter to return to the HCP Service Menu.