- From the HCP Configuration Menu, enter s to display the HCP Service Menu.
- In response to the confirmation prompt, enter y or yes to confirm your entry n or no to try again.
When you enter y or yes, the HCP Service Menu appears.
HCP Service Menu ============================================= [1] Recover an HCP Node [2] Display the Current System Status [3] Shut down the HCP System [4] Free Space on Nodes [5] Install a Hotfix [6] Finalize Migration [7] Change Region Count [8] Configure Routine Database Maintenance [9] Configure Time Settings [10] Migrate Metadata Regions [11] Perform Node Swap [s] Perform SSD Maintenance [m] Manage Database Volumes [q] Return to Configuration Menu Enter your choice. [Default: 1]: m
- From the HCP Service Menu, enter m.
- In response to the confirming prompt, enter y or yes to confirm your entry or n or no to try again.
When you enter y or yes, HCP Setup displays the Manage Database Volumes menu.
Manage Database Volumes ============================================= [1] Delete Old Database [q] Return to Configuration Menu [Enter your choice. [Default: d]:
- From the Manage Database Volumes menu, enter d.
You can delete the database from the older database volume only if you have completed the database move procedure.
- In response to the confirming prompt, enter y or yes to confirm your entry or n or no to try again.
When you enter y or yes, HCP Setup displays the Delete Old Database menu.
Delete Old Database ============================================= WARNING: This procedure deletes the old HCP database from its original storage volumes. The database on the optimal storage volumes will be preserved. Do you want to continue? Yes or No. [Default: no]: yes Deleting the old database: # The old database has been deleted. Press ENTER to continue:
- In response to the confirming prompt, enter y or yes to confirm your entry or n or no to try again.
After the procedure is complete, press Enter to return to the HCP Service Menu.