To deploy an HCP VM node on your KVM host, you must install several KVM packages on your host. You also must install a separate instance of Virtual Machine Manager on your local machine.
The following list shows the packages to install. Obtain these packages from the Linux distribution repository.
- libvirt: a virtualization API and toolkit that manages virtualization hosts; libvirt brings together every server-side RPM required by libvirt.
- libvirt-daemon: a server-side daemon that is required to manage the KVM hypervisor.
- libvirt-daemon-kvm: brings together the server-side daemon, drivers, and the KVM binaries required for hardware-accelerated virtualization.
- qemu-kvm: installs all KVM-specific libraries.
- virt-manager: a user interface for performing administrator tasks on virtual machines.
- guestfs-browser: a graphic interface for browsing the virtual machine file system and disk images.
- libguestfs-tools: a set of tools for accessing and modifying virtual machine disk images.
- python-libguestfs: a libguestfs tools Python library.
- virt-top: monitors a KVM guest virtual machine CPU, memory, and performance.
- virt-install: CLI command support for creating guest virtual machines for KVM.
- bridge-utils: needed to create and manage bridge devices; bridge-utils is used to set up networks for a hosted virtual machine.
- virt-viewer: displays the graphic console of a virtual machine.