Verifying the HCP software installation

Deploying an HCP VM System on KVM

Part Number
  1. Open the System Management Console by entering one of the following URLs in a client web browser:
    • If the HCP system is configured for DNS:


    • If the HCP system is not configured for DNS:


      where node-ip-address is the front-end IP address of a storage node in the HCP system.

      If you enter http instead of https, the browser returns an error.

  2. When prompted, accept the self-signed HCP SSL server certificate either permanently or temporarily.
    Set a temporary certificate if you plan to install a trusted certificate later. The System Management Console login page appears.
    Tip: If the browser cannot find the System Management Console login page, wait a few minutes and then try again. If the login page still does not open, contact your authorized HCP service provider.
  3. Verify the serial number on the login page.
    If it is incorrect, contact your authorized HCP service provider.
  4. Log in to the System Management Console with the following username and password:
    Username: security
    Password: Chang3Me!
    After you log in, the console displays either the Change Password page or the Hardware page. Perform one of the following actions:
    • If the Hardware page appears, the nodes are still starting HCP. This process can take several minutes. When more than half of the nodes have completed the startup process, the console displays the Change Password page. Change your password.
    • If the Hardware page remains displayed after several minutes, contact your authorized HCP service provider.
  5. On the Change Password page, enter the following information:
    1. In the Existing Password field, enter Chang3Me!.
    2. In the New Password field, enter a new password, using the following criteria:
      • Must contain UTF-8 characters, including whitespaces
      • Minimum of six characters
      • Maximum of 64 characters
      • Must include at least one character from two of the following groups: alphabetic, numeric, and special characters. Examples:
        • Valid password: P@sswOrd
        • Invalid password: password
    3. In the Confirm New Password field, retype your new password, then click Update Password.
  6. In the top-level menu, click Hardware.
  7. On the Hardware page, ensure the following statuses:
    • Node status: Available.
    • Status of each logical volume: Available.

      To see the status of a logical volume, hover over the volume icon.

      If all the nodes and logical volumes are available, the installation was successful and you can begin creating tenants. However, you might not want to do this until all additional setup is complete.

      If any node has a status other than Available, or any logical volume associated with an available node has a status other than Available or Spun down, contact your authorized HCP service provider. Also contact your service provider if the number of logical volume icons for any node does not match the expected number of logical volumes for the node.

      Verify that under the Model column, you see VM for all nodes in the system:

  8. Log out of the System Management Console and close the browser window.