Installing the HCP software

Deploying an HCP VM System on KVM

Part Number
The HCP installation is performed from the node with the highest last octet in its back-end IP address.

For example, if the four back-end IP addresses for a system are,,, and, perform the HCP software installation on node

Note: Although you can install the HCP system, you cannot enable data-at-rest encryption (DARE). DARE encrypts data on primary storage and data tiered to external storage pools. If you plan to use DARE features, contact your authorized HCP service provider before performing the software installation.
  1. Access the Virtual Machine Manager.
  2. Double-click the highest-numbered node to open the console.
  3. Login to the HCP VM node console with the default login information:
    • Username: install
    • Password: Chang3Me!
  4. Change the password to hcpinsta11 (thelast two characters are the numeral one).
  5. Press Enter to display the HCP Configuration menu. This menu specifies the HCP version that you are running.
    HCP 9.0 Configuration Menu
    [1] Get HCP Setup Files
    [2] Install an HCP System
    [3] Upgrade an HCP System
    [4] Add a Node to an HCP System
    [5] Perform Checks for Offline Upgrade
    [6] Perform Checks for Online Upgrade
    [v] Add Logical Volumes to an HCP System
    [s] Perform a Service Procedure
    [q] Log Out
    Currently installed version:  9.0
    Version on CD/DVD:               None
    Extracted version:            9.0
    Enter a selection: 2
    You chose “2”, is this correct? [Default: yes]:
  6. Enter 2.
  7. In response to the confirmation prompt, press Enter.
    The New Install Menu in the HCP Setup wizard appears.
    HCP Setup: New Install Menu
    [1] HCP Nodes
    [2] Distributor/OEM Key Access (Arizona)
    [3] Networking Settings
    [4] DNS Settings
    [5] Time Settings
    [6] Internal Configuration Settings
    [7] Security and Encryption Settings
    [c] Load HCP Configuration File
    [r] Restore Default Configuration
    [q] Review Current Configuration
    [x] Install a New HCP System with This Configuration
    [w] Exit/Write out Configuration File
    [q] Return to Configuration Menu
    Enter your choice.
    [Default: 1]: