To install the Appliance OS on a node:
- Connect the keyboard and monitor to the node.
- If you are using the DVD, connect the external DVD drive to a USB port on the node.
- Insert the Appliance OS USB stick into a USB port on the node or the DVD into the external drive.
- Reboot the node.
- If this is the first time you are installing the OS, skip ahead to step 8. If there was a previous failure installing the OS, and you are attempting to reinstall the OS, continue with the following instructions.
- During the POST portion of the system boot, press the F11 key to enter the Boot Options Menu.
- When prompted to enter the password, type hosyu95 and press Enter.
- At the Boot Options Menu, as shown below, arrow down to select the USB stick as the boot device and press Enter.
Note: Depending on the USB stick used, the text shown below might be different.
The installation program prompts for the installation mode. - Either press Enter, or let the program default to the installation option after 75 seconds.
The installation program prompts whether to preserve or clear existing storage volumes.
P) Preserve storage volumes during installation C) Clear storage volumes during installation E) Exit the installation Type your selection and press enter [pce]:
- Enter c to clear existing storage volumes or p to preserve existing storage volumes.
- In response to the confirming prompt, enter y.
You have chosen to clear the storage volumes THIS OPTION WILL DESTROY ANY DATA ON THE STORAGE VOLUMES. Are you sure you want to clear the storage volumes (yN):
- If the installation program detects that the Appliance operating system is already installed on the node, it prompts you to confirm that you want to continue the Appliance OS installation.
Enter YES in response to this prompt and press Enter.
The Appliance OS installer has detected that you are using a volume That was previously used as an OS volume for HCP. You may be trying to install the OS on an already installed mode. If the volume is on a SAN array, it may be improperly mapped. If neither of these is the case and you install the OS on this volume, Any prior system configuration and HCP installation will be destroyed, And you will need to perform the node recovery procedure. Are you sure you want to install the OS? Type ‘YES’ to continue, ‘NO’ to exit the installation:
Take one of these actions:- To continue the OS installation, enter YES. This value is case sensitive.
For SAIN systems, if the installation program detects that the storage that’s managed by the node has failed over to the peer node, the program prompts you to decide what to do about the failure.
R) Rescan for failed-over volumes I) Ignore the failed-over state and clear the volumes. E) Exit the installation Type your selection and press Enter [rie]:
Take one of these actions:- If you are reinstalling the OS as part of a node recovery procedure and the peer node is healthy, use the HCP System Management Console to first disable zero-copy failover and then restart the peer node. Then enter r in response to the prompt shown above.
- If you are reinstalling the OS as part of a fresh installation of HCP or as part of a node recovery procedure where the peer node is not healthy, enter i.
- To continue the installation, enter i.
- To stop the OS installation, enter e. To restart OS installation after entering e, you need to restart the node.
- To stop the OS installation, enter NO. This value is case-sensitive.
The installation program exits. To restart the OS installation after entering NO, you need to restart the node.
- To continue the OS installation, enter YES. This value is case sensitive.
- When prompted, enter the bonding mode for the HCP system.
Valid responses are active-backup and 802.3ad.
Enter the front-end bonding mode ([active-backup].802.3ad):
- When prompted, enter the front-end network IP mode for the node. The IP mode that you specify is used to set both the system-level IP mode and the [hcp_system] network IP mode. Valid responses are IPv4, IPv6, and Dual.
Enter the front-end network IP mode ([IPv4],IPv6,Dual):
- If the installer detects both BaseT and SFP+ network interface cards in this system, you will be prompted to enter the front-end network interface types for the HCP system.
Valid responses are BaseT and SFP+.
Enter the front-end network interface type (1BaseT,SFP+):
- Enter y to indicate that you want to provide a VLAN ID for the [hcp_system] network or n to indicate that you don’t want to provide a VLAN ID.
Do you want to provide a VLAN ID for the front-end network? [n]:
- If you entered y in response to the previous step, enter the VLAN ID for the [hcp_system] network. Valid values are integers in the range 0001 through 4,094. The VLAN ID you specify can include leading zeroes but cannot be more than four digits long.
Enter the front-end network VLAN ID [0000]:
If you entered n in response to the prompt in the previous step, the installation program does not prompt you to enter a VLAN ID.
- If you entered IPv4 or Dual in response to the prompt in step 14, specify the IPv4 node IP address, subnet mask, and gateway IP address for the front-end network, otherwise go to step 19.
- When prompted, enter the IPv4 address assigned to the node for the front-end network.
Enter the front-end IPv4 IP address []: --->
- When prompted, enter the IPv4 address subnet mask for the front-end network.
Enter the front-end IPv4 netmask []: --->
- When prompted, enter the IPv4 gateway IP address for the front-end network.
Enter the front-end IPv4 gateway IP address []: --->
If you entered IPv4 in response to the prompt in step 14 above, you are finished entering front-end network configuration information for the node. Skip the next step in this procedure, and go to step 20. If you entered IPv6 or Dual proceed to step 19. - When prompted, enter the IPv4 address assigned to the node for the front-end network.
- If you entered IPv6 or Dual in response to the prompt in step 14, specify the primary IPv6 node IP address, prefix length, and gateway IP address for the front-end network:
- When prompted, enter the primary IPv6 address assigned to the node for the front-end network.
Enter the front-end IPv6 IP address []: --->
- When prompted, enter the primary IPv6 address prefix length for the front-end network.
Enter the front-end IPv6 prefix length [64]: --->
- When prompted, enter the primary IPv6 gateway IP address for the front-end network.
Enter the front-end IPv6 gateway IP address []: --->
- When prompted, enter y to indicate that you want to assign a secondary IPv6 address to the node for the front-end network or n to indicate that you don’t want to assign a secondary IPv6 address to the node for the front-end network.
Do you want to provide a second IP for the front-end IPV6 network [n]:
- If you entered y in response to the prompt in substep d, specify the secondary IPv6 node IP address, prefix length, and gateway IP address for the front-end network:
- When prompted, enter the secondary IPv6 address assigned to the node for the front-end network.
Enter the front-end IPv6 secondary IP address []: --->
- When prompted, enter the secondary IPv6 address prefix length for the front-end network.
Enter the front-end IPv6 secondary prefix link [64]: --->
- When prompted, enter the secondary IPv6 gateway IP address for the front-end network.
Enter the front-end IPv6 secondary gateway IP address []: --->
- When prompted, enter the secondary IPv6 address assigned to the node for the front-end network.
- When prompted, enter the primary IPv6 address assigned to the node for the front-end network.
- When prompted, enter the back-end network IP address for the node.
Enter the back-end IPv6 secondary IP address []: --->
The installation program displays your responses to all of the previous prompts and asks you to confirm them. - In response to the confirming prompt:
- To confirm your responses, enter y.
- To change any of your responses, enter n. In this case, the installation program repeats the prompts, starting again with the front-end network bonding mode.
At this point, the installation program runs a precheck to see if LUNs 0 or 128 exist on the nodes. If the precheck finds these LUNs on an HCP node, the install fails. You need to remove the LUNs before proceeding.
The installation program reformats the system volume and installs the OS. This process takes several minutes. While installing the OS, the installer should report its progress to the console.
If the OS installation is not proceeding as expected, you can press Alt+F2 to display a command prompt. This enables you to enter commands that can help you diagnose the problem. Pressing Alt+F2 to display a command prompt works only during OS installation. To return to the OS installation display, press Alt+F1.
When the installation is complete, the node restarts automatically. If the node does not restart automatically, the OS installation failed. In this case, contact your authorized HCP service provider for help.
Once the node restarts and shows the AOS login screen on the console, the node is ready for the HCP software installation. You should remove the USB installation media from the node at this time.