Configuration that requires either the administrator or the security role

Installing an HCP system

Part Number

For post-installation configuration procedures that require either the administrator or security role, you need to know:

  • Whether to enable monitoring or modification of the HCP system through SNMP and, if so, the IP addresses that HCP needs to use to communicate with the clients that can perform these functions.
  • Whether to enable syslog logging and, if so, the IP addresses that HCP needs to use to communicate with the syslog servers.
  • Whether to enable SNMP logging and, if so, the IP addresses that HCP needs to use to communicate with the SNMP managers.
  • Whether to configure a connection to an email server to enable email notification about HCP log messages. Before configuring a connection to an email server, you need to know:
    • The IP address that HCP needs to use to communicate with the email server that you want to use to send email notification messages.
    • Whether to change the email message template or configure recipients for email notification messages.
Note: To enable communication between HCP and any given SNMP client, SNMP manager, syslog server, or email server, that client or server must have at least one IPv4 or IPv6 address that’s routable from the [hcp_system] network.