You use the HCP System Management Console to verify that the HCP system installed correctly.
- Open the System Management Console for the HCP system in a web browser on a client computer:
- If the HCP system is configured for DNS, enter this URL:
- If the HCP system is not configured for DNS, enter this URL:
node-ip-address is any valid front-end network IP address for any storage node in the HCP system.
Note: If you inadvertently use http instead of https in the URL, the browser returns an error. Enter the URL again, this time using https.
- If the HCP system is configured for DNS, enter this URL:
- When prompted, accept the self-signed HCP SSL server certificate either permanently or temporarily for this System Management Console session only. You can do the latter, for example, if you plan to install a trusted certificate later on.
The System Management Console login page appears.If the browser cannot find the System Management Console login page, wait a few minutes; then try again.If the login page still doesn’t open after a few minutes, contact your authorized HCP service provider for help.
- Verify the serial number on the login page. If the serial number is incorrect, contact your authorized HCP service provider for help.
- Log into the System Management Console with the default username and password.
The Console displays either the Change Password page or the Hardware page.If the Console displays the Hardware page, the nodes are still in the process of starting HCP. This process can take several minutes.When more than half of the nodes have completed their startup processing, the Console automatically displays the Change Password page.If the Hardware page remains displayed after several minutes, contact your authorized HCP service provider for help.
- On the Change Password page:
- In the Existing Password field, type the default password.
- In the New Password field, type a new password. Passwords must be from 1 through 64 characters long and can contain any UTF-8 characters, including white space. The minimum length is six characters.
To be valid, a password must include at least one character from two of these three groups: alphabetic, numeric, and other. For example, P@ssw0rd is a valid password; password is not.
- In the Confirm New Password field, type your new password again.
- Click Update Password.
- In the top-level menu, click Hardware.
- On the Hardware page, for each node, verify that:
- The node status is Available.
- The status of each logical volume is Available or, for spindown volumes (if the system has any), either Available or Spun down.Tip: To see the status of a logical volume, hover over the volume icon.
If all of the nodes and logical volumes are available (or, for spindown volumes, spun down), the installation was successful, and you can begin creating tenants and namespaces. However, you might not want to do this until after the additional system setup is complete.
If any nodes have a status other than Available or if any logical volumes for available nodes have a status other than Available or Spun down, contact your authorized HCP service provider for help. Also contact your service provider if the number of logical volume icons for each node does not match the expected number of logical volumes for the node.
- Take one of these actions:
- Perform additional system configuration, as described in Performing additional system configuration procedures. Do this only if the installation was successful.
- Log out of the System Management Console and close the browser window to ensure that no one can return to the Console without a fresh login.