An HCP SAIN system arrives with the HCP software already installed and configured with various default settings.
To get the system up and running, you perform the activities outlined in the list below.
- Verify that your site is ready for the HCP system to be installed.
- Unpack and assemble.
- For a preassembled system, remove the racked HCP system from the packing crate and position it in your data center.
- For a rackless system, assemble the HCP system components in a rack that you supply.
- Connect the HCP PDUs to your power sources.
- Reconfigure the HCP system for your environment.
- Connect the HCP system to your corporate network.Note: If the preconfigured front-end IP addresses do not work for your environment, perform step 6 below before performing this step.
- Configure the HCP system as a subdomain in the DNS. Be sure to use your site-specific node IP addresses and not the default IP addresses the system arrives with.
If you don’t use DNS at your site, skip this step.
- (Optional) Configure Hitachi Remote Ops to monitor the HCP nodes.