Enclosure front panel LEDs (S32 Node base enclosure)

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S32 Node base enclosures have three color-coded LEDs and a two-character LED display that indicate the status of the enclosure. These LEDs are located in the front left of the enclosure. Each LED is identified by an icon.

The figure below shows the front LEDs and icons on a base enclosure.

The table below describes the enclosure front LEDs.

LED Color State Description

Enclosure power

Green Solid The enclosure is powered on.
Off The enclosure is powered off.

Component fault

Amber Solid
  • Paired with a drive fault LED: A database or data drive has a fault condition.
  • Paired with a fault LED lit on a component in the rear of the enclosure: A component in the rear of the enclosure has a fault condition.
Off All enclosure components are functioning properly.
Enclosure identify Blue Blinking Beaconing is on.
Off Beaconing is off.


Green On The display LED is always lit and always shows 00.