Downloading the internal logs

Content Platform S Series Node Help

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Downloading the S Series Node internal logs is a two-part procedure. In the first part, the S Series Node prepares the logs for download by packing them into a .zip file. In the second part, the S Series Node performs the actual download. The amount of time the S Series Node takes to prepare the logs depends both on the length of time for which you request the logs and on the size of the log files.

Note: Downloading the internal logs puts a heavy load on the S Series Node. Do not take this action unless explicitly told to do so by your authorized service provider.

The procedure below uses the HCP S Series Management Console to download the internal logs.

  1. Log in to the Management Console using a user account with the administrator or service role.
    Tip: To ensure that you consistently see correct status information during a log download operation, use a physical IP address to access the Management Console.
  2. Go to Monitor > Internal Logs.
  3. On the INTERNAL LOGS page, in the DOWNLOAD INTERNAL LOGS section:
    1. Click in the Start date field. Then, in the calendar that opens, select the date of the earliest logs you want to include in the download.

      You cannot select a start date that's more than 120 days ago.

      Logs are included starting from 12:00 a.m. UTC on the selected date.

    2. Click in the End date field. Then, in the calendar that opens, select the date of the most recent logs you want to include in the download.

      Logs are included up to 1:00 a.m. UTC, inclusive, on the day following the selected date.

      The end date must be later than the start date.

  4. Click Prepare.

    The S Series Node packs the logs into a .zip file. When the .zip file is ready to be downloaded, the INTERNAL LOGS page is automatically updated.

    You do not need to stay on the INTERNAL LOGS page while the S Series Node is preparing the logs.

    Important: While the logs are being prepared for download, do not restart a server module. Doing so causes the logs to remain in the prepare state indefinitely. If the logs do not exit the prepare state, contact your authorized service provider for help.
  5. When the status of both server modules is Ready for log download, click Download.

    The S Series Node downloads the prepared .zip file, and the INTERNAL LOGS page is automatically updated.

    By default, the name of the ZIP file is Depending on the browser configuration, the browser either saves the file in a default location or prompts for where to save the file.

    You do not need to stay on the INTERNAL LOGS page while the S Series Node is downloading the logs.

  6. When the status of both server modules is Download complete, click Reset.