S Series Nodes use external time servers to set and maintain their internal clock times. An S Series Node always needs to know how to access at least one external time server.
You can specify up to three external time servers for use by an S Series Node. You identify each time server by its IP address. You cannot use DNS hostnames to identify time servers to an S Series Node.
The time servers you specify should be the same time servers as those that are used by the clients accessing the S Series Node.
Regardless of the time servers used, S Series Node time is always expressed in UTC.
You can choose the network (access or management) to be used for communication between the S Series Node and the time servers you specify. The default is the access network.
The S Series Node uses the selected network in the IP mode in which the network is configured. If the network is configured for IPv6 and a secondary IPv6 gateway is configured for the network, you can choose to use either the primary or secondary IPv6 gateway.
For the S Series Node to communicate with the specified time servers, the IP mode of the selected network must match the IP mode of the time server IP addresses.
Changing the list of time servers used by an S Series Node causes the S Series Node to restart.
The S Series Node issues an alert in the event of a time synchronization error.
If you have the administrator or service role, you can use the HCP S Series Management Console or management API to modify time-server settings for the HCP S Series Node.
To work with time-server settings in the Management Console, go to .