A CSR contains the information that a CA needs in order to generate an SSL server certificate for your organization. To know exactly which information is required, you need to check with the CA that you plan to use.
The procedure below uses the HCP S Series Management Console to generate a CSR and install the returned certificate.
- Log in to the Management Console using a user account with the administrator role.
- Go to Configuration > SSL Server Certificates.
- On the SSL SERVER CERTIFICATES page, click Update Certificate.
- On the UPDATE CERTIFICATE page, click Select under Generate Certificate Signing Request.
- On the GENERATE CERTIFICATE SIGNING REQUEST page, fill in the fields with the information needed by the CA.
By default, these fields contain the applicable values from the currently installed SSL server certificate.
Except where otherwise noted, the values you specify can be at most 64 characters long and can contain only letters, numbers, hyphens (-), periods (.), forward slashes (/), and spaces. The CA, however, may place other restrictions on these values.
To fill in the fields:
- In the Common Name (CN) field, type the common name for the certificate you want.
The common name must be the fully qualified domain name of the S Series Node, preceded by an asterisk and a period (*.). The common name can be at most 255 characters long and cannot contain underscores (_).
- In the Organizational Unit (OU) field, type the name of the organizational unit that will use the certificate (for example, the name of a business division or a name under which your organization does business).
- In the Organization (O) field, type the full legal name of your organization. Do not abbreviate.
- In the Locality (L) field, type the name of the city or other locality in which your organization is legally located.
- In the State/Province (ST) field, type the full name of the state or province in which your organization is legally located. Do not abbreviate.
- In the Country (C) field, type the two-letter ISO 3166-1 abbreviation for the country in which your organization is legally located (for example, US for the United States).
- In the Common Name (CN) field, type the common name for the certificate you want.
- Click Generate.
- When prompted, save the generated CSR to the location of your choice.
- Send the CSR to the CA.
- When you receive the CA-signed SSL server certificate, on the SSL SERVER CERTIFICATES page in the Management Console, click Update Certificate.
- On the UPDATE CERTIFICATE page, click Select under Upload Certificate.
- On the UPLOAD CERTIFICATE page, in the CA-Signed Certificate section, take one of these actions:
- Drag the file containing the CA-signed certificate from a file browser to the Certificate field.
- Click in the Certificate field. Then select the file containing the CA-signed certificate.
- Click Upload and Install.
- In response to the confirming message, click OK.