Bucket information

Content Platform S Series Node Help

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The BUCKETS page of the Management Console shows the summary information listed below for all the buckets that currently exist on the S Series Node.

The total number of bytes of data written to the S Series Node for all objects currently in the existing buckets
The total number of objects currently in the existing buckets

The BUCKETS page also contains graphs that show the number of ingested bytes and the number of objects in all existing buckets over the past ten days. If the HCP S Series software was installed less than ten days ago, the graphs show these numbers starting from the day the software was installed.

The S Series Node updates graph statistics at regular intervals. As a result, the graphs may not reflect current values.

Below the graphs, the BUCKETS page shows this information for each bucket that currently exists on the S Series Node:

  • Bucket name
  • Bucket owner
  • Total number of ingested bytes for all objects currently in the bucket
  • Number of objects currently in the bucket