You can use the Object Storage Management application or an API method to view information about the storage components defined in the system.
For each storage component, you can get information about its name, type, region, and current state.
The storage component types are:
- AMAZON_S3: An Amazon Web Services S3 compatible node
- HCP_S3: A Hitachi Content Platform node
- HCPS_S3: An HCP S Series node
- GENERIC_S3: An S3 compatible node
The possible storage component states are:
- Active: Available to serve requests
- Inactive: Not available to serve requests (access is administratively paused)
- Inaccessible: Available to serve requests, but HCP for cloud scale is having access issues (for example, network, authentication, or certificate issues)
- Unverified: Not available to serve requests (unreachable by specified parameters, miconfigured, or awaiting administrative activation)
The storage component state Read-only can be on or off.