HCP for cloud scale services

Content Platform for Cloud Scale Administration Guide

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The following table describes the services that HCP for cloud scale runs. Each service runs within its own Docker container. For each service, the table lists:

  • Configuration settings: The settings you can configure for the service.
  • RAM needed per instance: The amount of RAM that, by default, the service needs on each instance on which it's deployed. For all services except for System services, this value is also the default Docker value of Container Memory for the service.
  • Number of instances: Shows both:
    • The minimum number of instances on which a service must run to function properly.
    • The best number of instances on which a service should run. If the system includes more than the minimum number of instances, you should take advantage of the instances by running services on them.
    Note: Unused services do not need to be scaled.
  • Service unit cost: For HCP for cloud scale, you can safely ignore these values.
  • Whether the service is stateful (that is, it saves data permanently to disk) or stateless (that is, it does not save data to disk).
  • Whether the service is persistent (that is, it must run on a specific instance) or supports floating (that is, it can run on any instance).
  • Whether the service is scalable or not.

Best practices when using system services

  • For HCP for cloud scale services, you cannot set the size of Max Heap Size larger than the value of the Container Memory setting.
  • For the services which allow you to set the size of Max Heap Size, it should not be made to be larger than the value of the Container Memory setting. It's best to set this value to half the size of the container memory.
  • The decision to scale a service beyond the minimum recommended nodes should be made on the basis of a performance evaluation and applied on a case-by-case judgment for each individual service. When the scale of a service is changed to exceed the minimum recommended nodes, it then becomes a performance sensitive use case. When this occurs, you must follow the rules contained within the "Sizing and scaling models" section found under Best practices for system sizing and scaling.
  • Similarly, the decision to customize RAM settings beyond their recommended values should be made on the basis of a performance evaluation of the entire cluster and applied on a case-by-case judgment for each individual service.
  • When scaling services, it is important to ensure that all nodes of a cluster have enough RAM allocated to them in order to run the service under the new parameters. Attempting to scale services to spare nodes in order to compensate for the loss of a node may fail due to an insufficient amount of available RAM.
  • On existing systems which are currently running services below their recommended RAM sizing, it is highly advised to not apply the recommended values without a prior performance evaluation as stated above.
Service name and description Configuration settings (changes cause the service to redeploy) Properties
Product services: These services perform HCP for cloud scale functions. You can move and reconfigure these services.

Decentralized database, used to stores some configuration and system update packages

Container Options: Default

  • Container Memory: The hard memory limit for the service's Docker container, in MB. The default is 2400 MB (2.4 GB).
  • CPU: The relative CPU usage weight for the service's Docker container. Generally, a higher value means that the container receives more CPU resources than other processes (including other service Docker containers) running on the instance. Type a decimal number. The default is 0.1.

Service Options

  • Max heap: Maximum amount of memory to allocate to the Java heap for each instance of the service. It's best to set this value to half the size of the container memory. Type an integer number of bytes. You can optionally specify the suffixes k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes). The default is 1200 MB.
  • Heap new size: Heap size for the Java virtual machine. Valid values are integers representing a number of bytes. You can optionally specify the suffixes k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes). The default is 512 MB.

Advanced Options

Compaction Frequency: How often the database is compacted. The options are Weekly (default) and Daily.

Caution: Changing this setting can negatively affect the service. Use with caution.

RAM needed per instance: 2.4 GB

Number of instances:

  • Minimum: 3
  • Recommended: 3

Service unit cost: 10

Stateful or stateless? Stateful

Persistent or floating? Persistent

Supports volume configuration? No

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? Yes


Job scheduler

Container Options: Default

  • Container Memory: The hard memory limit for the service's Docker container, in MB. The default is 712 MB.
  • CPU: The relative CPU usage weight for the service's Docker container. Generally, a higher value means that the container receives more CPU resources than other processes (including other service Docker containers) running on the instance. Type a decimal number. The default is 0.1.

Service Options

  • Heap settings: Maximum amount of memory to allocate to the Java heap for each instance of the service. It's best to set this value to half the size of the container memory. Type an integer number of bytes. You can optionally specify the suffixes k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes). The default is 356 MB.

RAM needed per instance: 712 MB

Number of instances: Unscalable, permanently runs on 1

Service unit cost: 1

Stateful or stateless? Stateless

Persistent or floating? Floating

Supports volume configuration? Yes

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? Yes

Data Lifecycle

Processes lifecycle policies

Container Options: Default

  • Container Memory: The hard memory limit for the service's Docker container, in MB. The default is 8192 MB.
  • CPU: The relative CPU usage weight for the service's Docker container. Generally, a higher value means that the container receives more CPU resources than other processes (including other service Docker containers) running on the instance. Type a decimal number. The default is 0.1.

Service Options

  • Max heap: Maximum amount of memory to allocate to the Java heap for each instance of the service. It's best to set this value to half the size of the container memory. Type an integer number of bytes. You can optionally specify the suffixes k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes). The default is 4096 MB.

RAM needed per instance: 8 GB

Number of instances:

  • Minimum: 1
  • Recommended: As many are required to accommodate your current workload

Service unit cost: 10

Stateful or stateless? Stateless

Persistent or floating? Floating

Supports volume configuration? Yes

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? Yes (but not recommended on master instances)


Indexes metrics and event logs

Container Options: Default

  • Container Memory: The hard memory limit for the service's Docker container, in MB. The default is 8000 MB.
  • CPU: The relative CPU usage weight for the service's Docker container. Generally, a higher value means that the container receives more CPU resources than other processes (including other service Docker containers) running on the instance. Type a decimal number. The default is 0.1.

Service Options

  • Heap settings: Maximum amount of memory to allocate to the Java heap for each instance of the service. It's best to set this value to half the size of the container memory. Type an integer number of bytes. You can optionally specify the suffixes k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes). The default is 4000 MB.
  • Days to keep logs: The number of days to keep service logs, including access and metrics indexes. The default is 30 days.
  • Index Protection Level: The number of additional replicas (copies) to keep of each index file (shard). Replicas are kept on separate instances. You can set this value for every shard. The default is 1 replica (which means that two copies are kept). The maximum is the number of instances less one.

RAM needed per instance: 8 GB

Number of instances:

  • Minimum: 3
  • Recommended: 3

Service unit cost: 25

Stateful or stateless? Stateful

Persistent or floating? Persistent

Supports volume configuration? Yes

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? Yes


Collects data and displays dashboard metrics

Container Options: Default

  • Container Memory: The hard memory limit for the service's Docker container, in MB. The default is 768 MB.
  • CPU: The relative CPU usage weight for the service's Docker container. Generally, a higher value means that the container receives more CPU resources than other processes (including other service Docker containers) running on the instance. Type a decimal number. The default is 0.1.

Service Options

  • Grafana Scrape Interval: How often the service collects data. The default is 20 seconds.
  • Grafana Database Path: The location of the local time-series database. The default is grafana_db_path.
  • Grafana Database Retention: How long to retain data. The default is 15 days.

RAM needed per instance: 768 MB

Number of instances:

  • Minimum: 1
  • Recommended: 1

Service unit cost: 10

Stateful or stateless? Stateful

Persistent or floating? Persistent

Supports volume configuration? Yes

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? No


Handles metrics and event logs

Container Options: Default

  • Container Memory: The hard memory limit for the service's Docker container, in MB. The default is 2000 MB (2 GB).
  • CPU: The relative CPU usage weight for the service's Docker container. Generally, a higher value means that the container receives more CPU resources than other processes (including other service Docker containers) running on the instance. Type a decimal number. The default is 0.1.

Service Options

  • Heap settings: Maximum amount of memory to allocate to the Java heap for each instance of the service. It's best to set this value to half the size of the container memory. Type an integer number of bytes. You can optionally specify the suffixes k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes). The default is 1 GB.

RAM needed per instance: 2 GB

Number of instances:

  • Minimum: 3
  • Recommended: 3

Service unit cost: 5

Stateful or stateless? Stateful

Persistent or floating? Persistent

Supports volume configuration? Yes

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? Yes

Key Management Server

Manages storage component encryption keys

Container Options: Default

  • Container Memory: The hard memory limit for the service's Docker container, in MB. The default is 2048 MB (2 GB).
  • CPU: The relative CPU usage weight for the service's Docker container. Generally, a higher value means that the container receives more CPU resources than other processes (including other service Docker containers) running on the instance. Type a decimal number. The default is 0.5.

Service Options


RAM needed per instance: 2 GB

Number of instances:

  • Minimum: 1
  • Recommended: 1 or 3
Important: In order to save on system resources, 1 instance is only recommended if you do not plan on using the encryption service. The minimum number of instances required when encryption is enabled is 3, which must be scaled prior to enabling encryption.

Service unit cost: 10

Stateful or stateless? Stateless

Persistent or floating? Floating

Supports volume configuration? Yes

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? Yes


Handles metrics and event logs

Container Options: Default

  • Container Memory: The hard memory limit for the service's Docker container, in MB. The default is 700 MB.
  • CPU: The relative CPU usage weight for the service's Docker container. Generally, a higher value means that the container receives more CPU resources than other processes (including other service Docker containers) running on the instance. Type a decimal number. The default is 0.1.

Service Options

  • Max heap: Maximum amount of memory to allocate to the Java heap for each instance of the service. It's best to set this value to half the size of the container memory. Type an integer number of bytes. You can optionally specify the suffixes k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes). The default is 350 MB.

RAM needed per instance: 700 MB

Number of instances:
  • Minimum: 1
  • Recommended: 1

Service unit cost: 10

Stateful or stateless? Stateless

Persistent or floating? Floating

Supports volume configuration? No

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? Yes

MAPI Gateway

Serves MAPI endpoints

Container Options: Default

  • Container Memory: The hard memory limit for the service's Docker container, in MB. The default is 768 MB.
  • CPU: The relative CPU usage weight for the service's Docker container. Generally, a higher value means that the container receives more CPU resources than other processes (including other service Docker containers) running on the instance. Type a decimal number. The default is 0.1.

Service Options

  • Max Heap Size: Maximum amount of memory to allocate to the Java heap for each instance of the service. It's best to set this value to half the size of the container memory. Type an integer number of bytes. You can optionally specify the suffixes k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes). The default is 384 MB.
  • Total Storage Capacity Alert Threshold: Display an alert when the total storage capacity free to store object data in the system goes below this value. Type a threshold value. You must specify the suffix % (percent of total), K (kilobytes), M (megabytes), G (gigabytes), or T (terabytes). If blank, alerts are disabled. The default is 30%.
  • Per Storage Component Capacity Alert Threshold: Display an alert when the storage capacity free to store object data in any storage component goes below this value. Type a threshold value. You must specify the suffix % (percent of total), K (kilobytes), M (megabytes), G (gigabytes), or T (terabytes) If blank, alerts are disabled. The default is 250GB.

RAM needed per instance: 768 MB

Number of instances: Unscalable, permanently runs on 1

Service unit cost: 5

Stateful or stateless? Stateless

Persistent or floating? Floating

Supports volume configuration? No

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? Yes

Message Queue

Coordinates and distributes messages to other services

Container Options: Default

  • Container Memory: The hard memory limit for the service's Docker container, in MB. The default is 8192 MB (8 GB).
  • CPU: The relative CPU usage weight for the service's Docker container. Generally, a higher value means that the container receives more CPU resources than other processes (including other service Docker containers) running on the instance. Type a decimal number. The default is 0.5.

Service Options

  • Consumer Timeout: The time in milliseconds that the service waits before timing out an unacknowledged message, closing the consumer's channel, and returning the message to the queue. Type an integer number of milliseconds. The default is 172800000 ms (48 hours). If messages (for example, for synchronization of large files) take longer than that to be acknowledged by the consumer, increase this value.

RAM needed per instance: 8 GB

Number of instances:

  • Minimum: 1
  • Recommended: 3

Service unit cost: 10

Stateful or stateless? Stateful

Persistent or floating? Persistent

Supports volume configuration? No

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? Yes (but not recommended on master instances)

Metadata Cache

Cache for HCP for cloud scale metadata

Note: This service is deprecated but cannot be removed.

Container Options: Default

  • Container Memory: The hard memory limit for the service's Docker container, in MB. The default is 768 MB.
  • CPU: The relative CPU usage weight for the service's Docker container. Generally, a higher value means that the container receives more CPU resources than other processes (including other service Docker containers) running on the instance. Type a decimal number. The default is 0.1.

Service Options

  • Max Heap Size: Maximum amount of memory to allocate to the Java heap for each instance of the service. It's best to set this value to half the size of the container memory. Type an integer number of bytes. You can optionally specify the suffixes k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes). The default is 768 MB.

RAM needed per instance: 768 GB

Number of instances:

  • Minimum: 1
  • Recommended: 1

Service unit cost: 10

Stateful or stateless? Stateless

Persistent or floating? Persistent

Supports volume configuration? No

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? Yes

Metadata Coordination

Coordinates Metadata Gateway service instances and coordinates scaling and balancing of metadata partitions

Container Options: Default

  • Container Memory: The hard memory limit for the service's Docker container, in MB. The default is 2048 MB.
  • CPU: The relative CPU usage weight for the service's Docker container. Generally, a higher value means that the container receives more CPU resources than other processes (including other service Docker containers) running on the instance. Type a decimal number. The default is 0.1.

Service Options

  • Max Heap Size: Maximum amount of memory to allocate to the Java heap for each instance of the service. It's best to set this value to half the size of the container memory. Type an integer number of bytes. You can optionally specify the suffixes k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes). The default is 1024 MB.

RAM needed per instance: 2 GB

Number of instances: Unscalable, permanently runs on 1

Service unit cost: 5

Stateful or stateless? Stateless

Persistent or floating? Floating

Supports volume configuration? No

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? Yes

Important: Your partition count must be kept under 1500 partitions per node. Once you reach this limit, system performance may be affected. If you are encountering issues, contact your Hitachi Vantara representative for further assistance.
Metadata Gateway

Stores and protects metadata and serves it to other services

Container Options: Default

  • Container Memory: The hard memory limit for the service's Docker container, in MB. The default is 96000 MB.
  • CPU: The relative CPU usage weight for the service's Docker container. Generally, a higher value means that the container receives more CPU resources than other processes (including other service Docker containers) running on the instance. Type a decimal number. The default is 0.1.

Service Options

  • Max Heap Size: Maximum amount of memory to allocate to the Java heap for each instance of the service. It's best to set this value to half the size of the container memory. Type an integer number of bytes. You can optionally specify the suffixes k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes). The default is 48 GB.
RAM needed per instance:
  • 48 GB for 128 GB
  • 96 GB for 256 GB

Number of instances:

Service unit cost: 50

Stateful or stateless? Stateful

Persistent or floating? Persistent

Supports volume configuration? No

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? Yes (but not recommended on master instances)


Gathers metrics from all services and instances and supplies them to GUI and API

Container Options: Default

  • Container Memory: The hard memory limit for the service's Docker container, in MB. The default is 4096 MB.
  • CPU: The relative CPU usage weight for the service's Docker container. Generally, a higher value means that the container receives more CPU resources than other processes (including other service Docker containers) running on the instance. Type a decimal number. The default is 0.1.

Service Options

  • Prometheus Scrape Interval: The time interval between runs of the metrics collection task. Type an integer number of seconds. You can optionally specify the suffix s (seconds). The default is 10 seconds.
  • Prometheus Database Path: Storage location for prometheus local time-series db. Type a path. The default is tsdb/.
  • Prometheus Database Retention: The number of days to retain files. Type an integer number of days. You can optionally specify the suffix d (days). The default is 15 days.

RAM needed per instance: 4 GB

Number of instances:

  • Minimum: 1
  • Recommended: 1

Service unit cost: 10

Stateful or stateless? Stateful

Persistent or floating? Persistent

Supports volume configuration? No

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? Yes

Mirror In

Executes synch-from policies

Container Options: Default

  • Container Memory: The hard memory limit for the service's Docker container, in MB. The default is 768 MB; a good initial value is 8 GB.
  • CPU: The relative CPU usage weight for the service's Docker container. Generally, a higher value means that the container receives more CPU resources than other processes (including other service Docker containers) running on the instance. Type a decimal number. The default is 0.1.

Service Options

  • Max Heap Size: Maximum amount of memory to allocate to the Java heap for each instance of the service. It's best to set this value to half the size of the container memory. Type an integer number of bytes. You can optionally specify the suffixes k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes). The default is 384 MB.

RAM needed per instance: 4 GB

Number of instances:

  • Minimum: 0
  • Recommended: 0, or 3 if the service is used
Important: The default value of instances for this service is 0. In order to utilize this service, you must scale it up to a minimum of 1 instance. This change is irreversible and can not be scaled back down.

Service unit cost: 10

Stateful or stateless? Stateless

Persistent or floating? Floating

Supports volume configuration? No

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? Yes (but not recommended on master instances)

Mirror Out

Executes system synch-to policies

Container Options: Default

  • Container Memory: The hard memory limit for the service's Docker container, in MB. The default is 768 MB; a good initial value is 8 GB.
  • CPU: The relative CPU usage weight for the service's Docker container. Generally, a higher value means that the container receives more CPU resources than other processes (including other service Docker containers) running on the instance. Type a decimal number. The default is 0.1.

Service Options

  • Max Heap Size: Maximum amount of memory to allocate to the Java heap for each instance of the service. It's best to set this value to half the size of the container memory. Type an integer number of bytes. You can optionally specify the suffixes k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes). The default is 384 MB.

RAM needed per instance: 4 GB

Number of instances:

  • Minimum: 0
  • Recommended: 0, or 3 if the service is used
Important: The default value of instances for this service is 0. In order to utilize this service, you must scale it up to a minimum of 1 instance. This change is irreversible and can not be scaled back down.

Service unit cost: 10

Stateful or stateless? Stateless

Persistent or floating? Floating

Supports volume configuration? No

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? Yes (but not recommended on master instances)

Policy Engine

Executes system policies

Container Options: Default

  • Container Memory: The hard memory limit for the service's Docker container, in MB. The default is 4096 MB.
  • CPU: The relative CPU usage weight for the service's Docker container. Generally, a higher value means that the container receives more CPU resources than other processes (including other service Docker containers) running on the instance. Type a decimal number. The default is 0.1.

Service Options

  • Max Heap Size: Maximum amount of memory to allocate to the Java heap for each instance of the service. It's best to set this value to half the size of the container memory. Type an integer number of bytes. You can optionally specify the suffixes k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes). The default is 2048 MB.

RAM needed per instance: 4 GB

Number of instances:

  • Minimum: 3
  • Recommended: 3

Service unit cost: 25

Stateful or stateless? Stateless

Persistent or floating? Floating

Supports volume configuration? No

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? Yes (but not recommended on master instances)

S3 Gateway

Serves S3 API methods and communicates with storage components

Container Options: Default

  • Container Memory: The hard memory limit for the service's Docker container, in MB. The default are 10000 MB for a 128 GB instance and 20000 MB for a 256 GB instance.
  • CPU: The relative CPU usage weight for the service's Docker container. Generally, a higher value means that the container receives more CPU resources than other processes (including other service Docker containers) running on the instance. Type a decimal number. The default is 0.1.

Service Options

  • Max Heap Size: Maximum amount of memory to allocate to the Java heap for each instance of the service. It's best to set this value to half the size of the container memory. Type an integer number of bytes. You can optionally specify the suffixes k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes). The default is 5000 MB for a 128 GB instance and 10000 MB for a 256 GB instance.

HTTP Options

  • Enable HTTP: Select to enable HTTP connections.
  • Max HTTP Request Headers: The maximum number of HTTP request headers to allow. Type an integer. The default is 100 request headers.

HTTPS Options

  • SSL Ciphers: A comma-separated list of ciphers used to encode SSL traffic. Changing the list causes the service to redeploy.
RAM needed per instance:
  • 10 GB for 128 GB
  • 20 GB for 256 GB

Number of instances:

  • Minimum: 1
  • Recommended: All

Service unit cost: 25

Stateful or stateless? Stateless

Persistent or floating? Floating

Supports volume configuration? No

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? Yes (but not recommended on master instances)

S3 Notifications

Executes S3 notifications

Container Options: Default

  • Container Memory: The hard memory limit for the service's Docker container, in MB. The default is 768 MB; a good initial value is 8 GB.
  • CPU: The relative CPU usage weight for the service's Docker container. Generally, a higher value means that the container receives more CPU resources than other processes (including other service Docker containers) running on the instance. Type a decimal number. The default is 0.1.

Service Options

  • Max Heap Size: Maximum amount of memory to allocate to the Java heap for each instance of the service. It's best to set this value to half the size of the container memory. Type an integer number of bytes. You can optionally specify the suffixes k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes). The default is 384 MB.

RAM needed per instance: 4 GB

Number of instances:

  • Minimum: 0
  • Recommended: 0, or 3 if the service is used
Important: The default value of instances for this service is 0. In order to utilize this service, you must scale it up to a minimum of 1 instance. This change is irreversible and can not be scaled back down.

Service unit cost: 10

Stateful or stateless? Stateless

Persistent or floating? Floating

Supports volume configuration? No

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? Yes (but not recommended on master instances)

Tracing Agent

Listens for incoming tracing of S3 API and MAPI calls, batches them, and sends them to Tracing Collector service

Container Options: Default

  • Container Memory: The hard memory limit for the service's Docker container, in MB. The default is 2048 MB.
  • CPU: The relative CPU usage weight for the service's Docker container. Generally, a higher value means that the container receives more CPU resources than other processes (including other service Docker containers) running on the instance. Type a decimal number. The default is 0.1.

Service Options

  • Collector TChannel Hostname: Type a host name. The default is localhost.
  • Collector TChannel Port: Type a port number. The default is 14267.

RAM needed per instance: 2 GB

Number of instances:

  • Minimum: 1
  • Recommended: 1

Service unit cost: 1

Stateful or stateless? Stateless

Persistent or floating? Floating

Supports volume configuration? No

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? Yes

Tracing Collector

Collects traces from Tracing Agent service instances and stores them in tracing database

Container Options: Default

  • Container Memory: The hard memory limit for the service's Docker container, in MB. The default is 2048 MB.
  • CPU: The relative CPU usage weight for the service's Docker container. Generally, a higher value means that the container receives more CPU resources than other processes (including other service Docker containers) running on the instance. Type a decimal number. The default is 0.1.

Service Options

  • ElasticSearch Hostname: Type a host name. The default is localhost.
  • ElasticSearch Port: Type a port number. The default is 9200.
  • Sampling Rate: The sampling rate for all clients implementing remote sampling. Type a number between 0 and 1 inclusive. The default is 1.
  • Max open index age: How long to keep tracing indexes open in the database, in days. Type a value from 1 to 365 days inclusive. The default is 30 days.
  • Max index age: How long to keep tracing indexes in the database, in days. Type a value from 1 to 365 days inclusive. The default is 60 days.

RAM needed per instance: 2 GB

Number of instances:

  • Minimum: 1
  • Recommended: 1

Service unit cost: 10

Stateful or stateless? Stateless

Persistent or floating? Floating

Supports volume configuration? No

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? Yes

Tracing Query

UI and API endpoint access for distributed tracing for S3 API and MAPI calls

Container Options: Default

  • Container Memory: The hard memory limit for the service's Docker container, in MB. The default is 768 MB.
  • CPU: The relative CPU usage weight for the service's Docker container. Generally, a higher value means that the container receives more CPU resources than other processes (including other service Docker containers) running on the instance. Type a decimal number. The default is 0.1.

Service Options

  • ElasticSearch Hostname: Type a host name. The default is localhost.
  • ElasticSearch Port: Type a port number. The default is 9200.

RAM needed per instance: 768 MB

Number of instances:

  • Minimum: 1
  • Recommended: 1

Service unit cost: 5

Stateful or stateless? Stateless

Persistent or floating? Floating

Supports volume configuration? No

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? Yes

System services: These services manage system resources and ensure that the HCP for cloud scale system remains available and accessible. These services are persistent and cannot be moved, scaled, or reconfigured.
Admin App

The System Management application

Service Options

  • Max heap size: Maximum amount of memory to allocate to the Java heap for each instance of the service. It's best to set this value to half the size of the container memory. Type an integer number of bytes. You can optionally specify the suffixes k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes). The default is 512 MB.

RAM needed per instance: N/A

Number of instances: Unscalable, permanently runs on all 3 master nodes

Persistent or floating? Persistent

Supports volume configuration? Yes

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? No

Cluster Coordination

Manages hardware resource allocation


RAM needed per instance: N/A

Number of instances: Unscalable, permanently runs on all 3 master nodes

Persistent or floating? Persistent

Supports volume configuration? No

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? No

Cluster Worker

Agent for Cluster Coordination on each instance; reports on resource utilization and availability, deploys services


RAM needed per instance: N/A

Number of instances: Unscalable, permanently runs on all nodes

Service unit cost: 5

Persistent or floating? Persistent

Supports volume configuration? Yes

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? No

Network Proxy

Network request load balancer

Security Protocol: Select which Transport Layer Security (TLS) versions to use:
  • TLS 1.2
  • TLS 1.3

SSL Ciphers: To use another cipher suite, type it here.

Custom Global Configuration: Select Enable Advanced Global Configuration to enable adding custom parameters to the HAProxy "global" section.

Custom Defaults Configuration: Select Enable Defaults Configuration to enable adding custom parameters to the HAProxy "global" section.

RAM needed per instance: N/A

Number of instances: Unscalable, permanently runs on all nodes

Service unit cost: 1

Persistent or floating? Persistent

Supports volume configuration? Yes

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? No


Runs internal system processes and monitors the health of other services

Service Options

  • Max heap size: Maximum amount of memory to allocate to the Java heap for each instance of the service. It's best to set this value to half the size of the container memory. Type an integer number of bytes. You can optionally specify the suffixes k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes). The default is 8 GB.

RAM needed per instance: N/A

Number of instances: Unscalable, permanently runs on 1

Persistent or floating? Persistent

Supports volume configuration? Yes

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? No

Service Deployment

Handles deployment of high-level services (that is, the services that you can configure)


RAM needed per instance: N/A

Number of instances: Unscalable, permanently runs on all 3 master nodes

Persistent or floating? Persistent

Supports volume configuration? Yes

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? No


Coordinates service configuration settings and other information across service instances

Service Options

  • Max heap size: Maximum amount of memory to allocate to the Java heap for each instance of the service. It's best to set this value to half the size of the container memory. Type an integer number of bytes. You can optionally specify the suffixes k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes). The default is 1024 MB.

RAM needed per instance: N/A

Number of instances: Unscalable, permanently runs on all 3 master nodes

Persistent or floating? Persistent

Supports volume configuration? Yes

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? No


Responsible for initial system startup; monitors other System services and restarts them if necessary

Service Options

  • Max heap size: Maximum amount of memory to allocate to the Java heap for each instance of the service. It's best to set this value to half the size of the container memory. Type an integer number of bytes. You can optionally specify the suffixes k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes). The default is 1024 MB.
  • Heap new size: Heap size for the Java virtual machine. Valid values are integers representing a number of bytes. You can optionally specify the suffixes k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes). The default is 512 MB.

RAM needed per instance: N/A

Number of instances: Unscalable, permanently runs on all nodes

Service unit cost: 5

Persistent or floating? Persistent

Supports volume configuration? Yes

Single or multiple types? Single

Scalable? No