Installing a new self-signed certificate

Content Platform for Cloud Scale Administration Guide

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Your system can generate and install a new self-signed SSL server certificate. The new certificate is good for five years.

  • If the system is using a self-signed certificate, when you change the hostname name of the system, you need to generate a new SSL certificate.
  • When you install the new certificate, if you are using encryption, you must repair the Vault service and then unseal the vault.

Admin App instructions

  1. Select Dashboard > Configuration.
  2. Click Certificates.
  3. Click Update System Certificate.
  4. Select the Self-Signed window.
  5. Click Continue.
    Your system generates a new self-signed server certificate.
  6. Click Accept.
    Your system installs the new certificate.
  7. To continue using the Admin App, log out and then log back in.