Activate storage components

Content Platform for Cloud Scale Management API Reference

Part Number

When you define a storage component, it is marked as UNVERIFIED and not available to serve requests until you activate it. The method storage_component/activate lets you activate a storage component that is in the UNVERIFIED state.

HTTP request syntax (URI)

POST https://host_ip:9099/mapi/v1/storage_component/activate

Request structure

The request body is:

    "id": "uuid"
Parameter Required Type Description
id Yes UUID The UUID of the storage component.

Response structure

The response body is:

  "id": "uuid",
  "storageType": "type",
  "verified": true|false,
  "httpStatus": nnn,
  "errorCode": "code_text",
  "errorMessage": "message_text",
  "daysUntilCertificateExpiration": nnn,
  "state": "state"




id UUID The UUID of the storage component.
storageType String The type of storage component:
  • AMAZON_S3: An Amazon Web Services S3-compatible node
  • HCP_S3: A Hitachi Content Platform node
  • HCPS_S3: An HCP S Series Node
  • GENERIC_S3: An S3-compatible node
verified Boolean If true, the storage component has been activated. If false, it is not verified and awaits administrative action.
httpStatus 32-bit integer The HTTP status code with which the storage component responded to your request. If 0, the storage component can't be reached. You can use other values to diagnose the issue.
errorCode String Any error code associated with the storage component.
errorMessage String Any error message associated with the storage component.
daysUntilCertificate​Expiration 32-bit integer Number of days until the current HTTPS certificate expires.
state Enum The state of the storage component, indicating its availability to serve requests:
  • ACTIVE: The storage component is ready for requests.
  • INACTIVE: The storage component is on an administrative pause.
  • INACCESSIBLE: The storage component is not accessible. This condition can be caused by network, authentication, or certificate errors.
  • UNVERIFIED: The storage component has not been activated or has failed to activate.

Return codes

Status code

HTTP name


200 OK The request was executed successfully.
400 Bad Request The MAPI metadata ID is not valid.
401 Unauthorized Access was denied because credentials are not valid.
404 Not Found The specified storage component does not exist.
405 Method Not Allowed The specified HTTP method is not allowed for a storage component. Resend using POST.


Request example:


JSON request:

  "id": "3fa85f64-1024-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"

JSON response:

  "id": "3fa85f64-1024-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "storageType": "AMAZON_S3",
  "verified": true,
  "httpStatus": 200,
  "errorCode": null,
  "errorMessage": null,
  "daysUntilCertificateExpiration": 364,
  "state": "ACTIVE"