Including XSRF tokens in MAPI Swagger requests

Content Platform for Cloud Scale Management API Reference

Part Number

Swagger does not automatically populate the X-XSRF-TOKEN header when executing Object Storage Management MAPI requests.

To obtain the token within a browser and include it in a MAPI request through Swagger:

  1. From the user profile icon on the top right of an Object Storage Management window, select REST API.
    A Swagger page opens in a new tab.
  2. Locate and copy the value of the cookie XSRF-TOKEN:
    • In Chrome, from the Customize menu (in the upper right corner), select More tools > Developer tools. From the Developer Tools window select Storage > Cookies. Select and copy the value of the cookie XSRF-TOKEN.
    • In Firefox, from the Open menu (in the upper right corner), select Web Developer > Storage Inspector. From the Developer Tools window select Cookies. Select and copy the value of the cookie XSRF-TOKEN.
  3. Select the management API you want to execute and then click Try it out.
  4. In the section X-XSRF-TOKEN, paste the value of the cookie into the field X-XSRF-TOKEN Header.
You can now execute the method.