
Content Platform for Cloud Scale S3 Console Guide

Part Number

The S3 Console provides powerful metrics that let you track input/output operations, the loading of objects (ingest), the number of objects stored, and the disk usage of stored objects.

All available buckets provide you with a dashboard to view its performance. They can be found on the Overview tab of any bucket, which is automatically displayed upon selecting a bucket. The dashboard can be customized to display different ranges of time by clicking Range.

IOPS dashboard

This dashboard displays the input/output operations per second (IOPS). You can hover over the PUT Operations per second, GET Operations per second, DELETE Operations per second, and BULK DELETE Operations per second lines to be provided with metrics for specific data points.

Throughput dashboard

This dashboard displays the size (in bytes) of files and documents that have been taken into the bucket. You can hover over the Bytes ingested and Bytes read lines to be provided with metrics for specific data points.