Generating S3 credentials

Content Platform for Cloud Scale S3 Console Guide

Part Number

S3 credentials are used to connect to the S3 gateway for S3 operations. They are the credentials assigned to a bucket owner, allowing you to create and manage buckets and objects from within HCP for cloud scale.

Warning: Generating S3 credentials (Access Key and Secret Key) will invalidate any previously created keys. Additionally, these keys are only viewable to the user when they are generated. If lost, new keys will need to be created.

To generate new S3 credentials:

  1. Click the user icon at the top right corner of the page and select Generate credentials.
  2. To create credentials, click Generate.
    A warning screen appears.
  3. Click Continue.
    New values for Access Key and Secret Key appear.
  4. To copy one of these values, click Copy.
  5. Click Done.