You can configure S3 bucket sync-to and sync-from settings.
- If you use the AWS command-line interface to configure bucket synchronization, use at least aws-cli v1.16.211 and aws-sdk 1.11.610.
- Configuration rules should be provided to AWS CLI from a file, rather than inline. This is to avoid problems with double quote characters in some terminals.
HTTP request syntax (URI)
aws --endpoint-url https://10.08.1019 s3api put-bucket-replication --bucket "hcpcs_bucket" --replication-configuration file://rules.json
Request structure
A rule consists of up to 1000 prefixes and tag-value pairs. You can configure up to 1000 rules per bucket. Separate tag-value pairs in the rule using the keywords "And": or "Or":.
The content of the configuration JSON file is:
aws --endpoint-url s3api put-bucket-replication --bucket "bucket name" --replication-configuration \ '{ "Role": "", "Rules": [{ "ID": "string", "Filter": { "Prefix": "string", "Tag": { "Key": "string", "Value": "string" } }, "Status": "Enabled", "Destination": { "Bucket": "<a string with several parameters>", "Account": "<a string with several parameters>", "StorageClass": "<a string with several parameters>" } }, { "ID": "string", "Filter": { "Prefix": "string", "Tag": { "Key": "string", "Value": "string" } }, "Status": "Enabled", "Destination": { "Bucket": "<a string with several parameters>", "Account": "", "StorageClass": "<a string with several parameters>" } }] }'
Account Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
Role | Yes | N/A | Not supported; leave empty. |
Rules | Yes | N/A | Container for a list of one or more rules. Supports up to 1000 rules. |
ID | No | String |
Unique identifier for rule, up to 255 characters. All rules must specify the same bucket. |
Status | Yes | N/A | Values: Enabled or Disabled. The rule is ignored if status is set to Disabled. |
Filter | Yes | N/A | Container for prefixes and tags. Each rule can have one prefix, and up to 1000 tags. See AWS for more details on syntax. |
Priority | Yes | Integer | Not supported; ignored. |
DeleteMarkerReplication.Status | No | String | Not supported; if provided, leave as Disabled. |
Prefix | No | String | Prefix (one per rule). Up to 1024 characters. |
Key | No | String | Tag key (up to 1000 per rule). Up to 128 characters. |
Value | No | String | Tag value. Up to 256 characters. |
Status | Yes | Boolean | Enabled or Disabled. If Disabled, rule is ignored. |
Destination.Bucket | Yes | Base64-encoded JSON |
External S3 bucket access settings.
You can't specify the same bucket name and host as both source and destination. |
Destination.Account | Yes | String | Must include the empty string "Account": "", in order for the destination rule to function correctly. |
Destination.StorageClass | No | String | An optional destination storage class override to use when synchronizing objects. If not provided, this value should be left empty. |
Destination.AccessControlTranslation.Owner | No | String | Not supported; leave empty. |
Bucket sync-to structure
Bucket sync-to settings are defined by a set of parameters and passed in the value of Rules.Destination.Bucket as a Base64-encoded JSON structure.
The syntax inside the bucket parameter for the sync-to setting is:
{ 'version': 'version', 'action': 'sync-from', 'externalBucket': { 'host': 'host', 'type': 'type', 'region': 'region', 'remoteBucketName': 'bucket_name', 'accessKey': 'B64_key', 'secretKey': 'B64_key', 'port': 'port', 'authVersion': 'auth_version', 'usePathStyleAlways': '[true|false]' }, 'notifications': { 'type': 'type', 'region': 'region', 'queue': 'queue', 'accessKey': 'B64_key', 'secretKey': 'B64_key' } }
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
version | Yes | String | 1.0. |
host | Yes | IP address | Host IP address. |
type | Yes | String | Destination storage class: AMAZON_S3 or GENERIC_S3. |
region | Yes | String | The S3 region. |
remoteBucketName | Yes | String | The name of the bucket, from 3 to 63 characters long, containing only lowercase characters (a-z), numbers (0-9), periods (.), or hyphens (-). The bucket must already exist. |
accessKey | Yes | Base64 encoded string | The S3 access key credentials to the external S3 bucket. |
secretKey | Yes | Base64 encoded string | The S3 secret key credentials to the external S3 bucket. |
port | Yes | integer | Host port. |
authVersion | Yes | String | AWS Signature version: V2 or V4. |
usePathStyleAlways | Yes | Boolean | Path-style URLs for bucket access: true or false. |
Bucket sync-from structure
Bucket sync-from settings include both a bucket address and a notification queue. The settings are defined by a set of parameters and passed in the value of Rules.Destination.Bucket as a Base64-encoded string.
The syntax inside the bucket parameter for sync-from setting is:
"{ 'version': 'version', 'action': 'sync-from', 'externalBucket': { 'host': 'host', 'type': 'type', 'region': 'region', 'remoteBucketName': 'bucket_name', 'accessKey': 'B64_key', 'secretKey': 'B64_key', 'port': 'port', 'authVersion': 'auth_version', 'usePathStyleAlways': '[true|false]' } }"
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
version | Yes | String | Enter 1.0. |
host | Yes | IP address | Host IP address. |
type | Yes | String | Destination storage class: AMAZON_S3 or GENERIC_S3. |
region | Yes | String | The S3 region. |
remoteBucketName | Yes | String | The name of the bucket, from 3 to 63 characters long, containing only lowercase characters (a-z), numbers (0-9), periods (.), or hyphens (-). The bucket must already exist. |
accessKey | Yes | Base64 encoded string | The S3 access key credentials to the external S3 bucket. |
secretKey | Yes | Base64 encoded string | The S3 secret key credentials to the external S3 bucket. |
port | Yes | integer | Host port. |
authVersion | Yes | String | AWS Signature version: V2 or V4. |
usePathStyleAlways | Yes | Boolean | Path-style URLs for bucket access: true or false. |
Destination.type | Yes | String | Always set as AWS_SQS. |
Destination.region | Yes | String | Region of your AWS_SQS queue. |
Destination.queue | Yes | String | Name of your AWS_SQS queue. |
Destination.accessKey | Yes | Base64 encoded string | accessKey for permissions to read from your AWS_SQS queue. |
Destination.secretKey | Yes | Base64 encoded string | secretKey for permissions to read from your AWS_SQS queue. |
Response structure
Request example:
aws --endpoint-url https://10.08.1019 s3api put-bucket-replication --bucket "hcpcs_bucket" --replication-configuration file://rules.json
Configuration rules.json:
{ "ID": "sync_rule2_for_music", "Filter": { "Prefix": "/music/october/", "Tag": { "Key": "target", "Value": "cloud" } } }, "Status": "Enabled", "Destination": { "Bucket": "{ 'version' : '1.0', 'action' : 'sync_from', 'externalBucket' : { 'type' : 'AMAZON_S3', 'region' : 'us-east-1', 'remoteBucketName' : 'bluebucket', 'authVersion' : 'V4', 'usePathStyleAlways' : 'true', 'accessKey' : 'access_key', 'secretKey' : 'secret_key' }, "notifications" : { "type" : "AMAZON_SQS", "region" : "us-east-1", "queue" : "testQueue", "accessKey" : "access_key", "secretKey" : "secret_key" } }, } } }] }