To create a bucket:
- From the Buckets page, click + Create Bucket.
The Create bucket page appears.
- In the Name field, enter a name for your bucket.
Tip: Bucket names can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, periods, and hyphens.
- In the Access level section, select your required level of security.
- Private: Only you have access to this bucket.
- Authenticated: Lets you grant access to this bucket for any user with an account on the system.
- Unauthenticated: Lets you grant public access to this bucket for anyone. You can choose to assign Read or Read/Write privileges.
- In the Bucket policies section, chose your preferred policy using the selection slider.
- Expiration Lifecycle policy: Lets you define when objects expire.
- Sync-to Replication: Lets you enable automatic copying of objects to remote buckets. You cannot apply both Sync-to and Sync-from replications to the same bucket.
- Sync-from Replication: Lets you enable automatic copying of objects from remote buckets. You cannot apply both Sync-to and Sync-from replications to the same bucket.
- To add rules to your selected policy:
- On your selected policy, click Configure.
- On the Configure page, click + Add rule.
- To add the rule to a subset of your objects, click Filter objects and add tags and prefixes. Additionally, you can have the rule apply to all objects in a bucket by selecting All objects.
- When you are finished configuring your rule, click Done.
- When you are finished configuring your policy, click Create.
You are returned to the Buckets page and a message confirming the creation of the new bucket is displayed.
- To view your new bucket, select it by clicking its name from the Bucket name column.
A confirmation message appears to let you know the bucket was created successfully. The bucket page is then displayed and an overview of your bucket is provided.