Making system configuration changes

Content Intelligence Administration Guide

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In order to make configuration changes to your system, you must use the Admin panel from within Workflow Designer.

The panel provides users with a place to perform a variety of configuration tasks meant to help maintain and optimize their systems. In lieu of the Admin App previously featured in the HCI 2.x product, this panel and all of its associated settings are intended to help bridge the gap between system management and your Kubernetes environment.

To access these configuration options:
  1. Open Workflow Designer.
  2. On the left-hand side of the page, click the Admin panel.

Solr Options

  • Enable Solr Shard Monitoring: Enables Solr shard monitoring on your system.
  • Solr Shard Monitoring Time Limit: Sets a time limit for Solr shard monitoring on your system..
  • Cassandra GC Grace Period: Sets a grace period for garbage collection on Cassandra tables.


  • Controller Replica Count: Sets the replica count for the Ingress NGINX controller.
  • Controller CPU Limits: Sets the CPU limit for the Ingress NGINX controller containers.
  • Controller Memory Limits: Sets memory limits for the Ingress NGINX controller containers.
  • Controller CPU Requests: Sets the amount of CPU requests for the Ingress NGINX controller container.
  • Controller Memory Requests: Sets the amount of memory requests for the Ingress NGINX controller.


  • CPU Limits: Sets the CPU limits for Fluent-Bit containers.
  • Memory Limits: Sets the memory limits for Fluent-Bit containers.
  • CPU Requests: Sets the amount of CPU requests for Fluent-Bit containers.
  • Memory Requests: Sets the amount of memory requests for Fluent-Bit containers.


  • Replica Count: Sets the number of Solr replicas.
  • CPU Limits: Sets the CPU limits for Solr containers.
  • Memory Limits: Sets the memory limits for Solr containers.
  • CPU Requests: Sets the amount of CPU requests for Solr containers.
  • Memory Requests: Sets the amount of memory requests for Solr containers.
  • Zookeeper Replica Count: Sets the amount of Solr ZooKeeper nodes on your system.
  • Solr Java Memory Settings: Defines the Java memory settings for the Solr container.
  • Solr Java Heap Settings: Specifies the Java heap memory options for the Solr container.


  • Replica Count: Sets the number of Cassandra replicas.
  • CPU Limits: Sets the CPU limits for Cassanda containers.
  • Memory Limits: Sets the memory limits for Cassandra containers.
  • CPU Requests: Sets the amount of CPU requests for Cassandra containers.
  • Memory Requests: Sets the amount of memory requests for Cassandra containers.
  • Read Timeout: Sets the amount of read timeout for Cassandra containers.


  • Controller Replica Count: Sets the amount of Kafka controller nodes.
  • Controller CPU Limits: Sets the CPU limits for Kafka controller nodes.
  • Controller Memory Limits: Sets the memory limits for Kafka controller nodes.
  • Controller CPU Requests: Sets the amount of CPU requests for Kafka nodes.
  • Controller Memory Requests: Sets the amount of memory requests for Kafka nodes.

Metrics Server

  • Enable/Disable Metrics Server: Enables or disables the Metrics Server on your system. This value is enabled by default.
  • Replica Count: Sets the amount of Metrics Server replicas to run.
  • CPU Limits: Sets the CPU limits for Metrics Server containers.
  • Memory Limits: Sets the memory limits for Metrics Server containers.
  • CPU Requests: Sets the amount of CPU requests for Metrics Server containers.
  • Memory Requests: Sets the amount of memory requests for Metrics Server containers.


  • Alertmanager Replica Count: Sets the amount of Prometheus Alertmanager replicas to deploy.
  • Push Gateway Replica Count: Sets the amount of Prometheus Pushgateway replicas to deploy.
  • Kube State Metrics Replica Count: Sets the amount of Prometheus Kube State Metrics replicas to deploy.
  • Server Replica Count: Sets the amount of Prometheus Server replicas to deploy.
  • Server Enable/Disable Stateful Set: If enabled, Prometheus uses a statefulset instead of a deployment for pod management. This value is disabled by default.
  • Server CPU Limits: Sets the CPU limits for Prometheus Server containers.
  • Server Memory Limits: Sets the memory limits for Prometheus Server containers.
  • Server CPU Requests: Sets the amount of CPU requests for Prometheus Server containers.
  • Server Memory Requests: Sets the amount of server memory requests for Prometheus Server containers.


  • Replica Count: Sets the amount of Logstash replicas to deploy.
  • CPU Limits: Sets the CPU limits for Logstash containers.
  • Memory Limits: Sets the memory limits for Logstash containers.
  • CPU Requests: Sets the amount of CPU requests for Logstash containers.
  • Memory Requests: Sets the amount of memory requests for Logstash containers.


  • SMTP Enabled: Enables or disables SMTP messaging in Grafana. This value is disabled by default.
  • SMTP Host: Sets the SMTP server host for Grafana.
  • Replica Count: Sets the number of Grafana nodes.
  • CPU Limits: Sets the CPU limits for Grafana containers.
  • Memory Limits: Sets the memory limits for Grafana containers.
  • CPU Requests: Sets the amount of CPU requests for Grafana containers.
  • Memory Requests: Sets the amount of memory requests for Grafana containers.


  • Extra Volumes: Optional list of additional volumes for the HCI container. All values must be quoted and each entry must start with ---. To be used in conjunction with an NFS volume mount.

    For example:

    - emptyDir:
        sizeLimit: "5Mi"
      name: "example-volume"
    Note: For more information about volumes, see the Kubernetes documentation.
  • Extra Volume Mounts: Optional list of additional volume mounts for the HCI container. All values must be quoted and each entry must start with ---. To be used in conjunction with an NFS volume mount.

    For example:

    - mountPath: "/mnt/example_volume_path"
      name: "example-volume"
    Note: For more information about volumes, see the Kubernetes documentation.
  • CPU Limits: Sets the CPU limits for HCI containers.
  • Memory Limits: Sets the memory limits for HCI containers.
  • CPU Requests: Sets the amount of CPU requests for HCI containers.
  • Memory Requests: Sets the amount of memory requests for HCI containers.
  • Heap Size: Sets the heap size for the HCI Java process.
  • Replica Count: Sets the amount of HCI replicas.


  • Replica Count: Sets the amount of ZooKeeper nodes.
  • CPU Limits: Sets the CPU limits for ZooKeeper nodes.
  • Memory Limits: Sets the memory limits for ZooKeeper nodes.
  • CPU Requests: Sets the amount of CPU requests for ZooKeeper nodes.
  • Memory Requests: Sets the amount of memory requests for ZooKeeper containers.


  • Redis Master Replica Count: Sets the number of OAuth2 Redis Master replicas to deploy.
  • Replica Count: Sets the amount of OAuth2 Proxy replicas to deploy.
  • CPU Limits: Sets the CPU limits for OAuth2 Proxy containers.
  • Memory Limits: Sets the memory limits for OAuth2 Proxy containers.
  • CPU Requests: Sets the amount of CPU requests for OAuth2 Proxy containers.
  • Memory Requests: Sets the amount of memory requests for OAuth2 Proxy containers.


  • Replica Count: Sets the number of Keycloak replicas to deploy.
  • CPU Limits: Sets the CPU limits for Keycloak containers.
  • Memory Limits: Sets the memory limits for Keycloak containers.
  • CPU Requests: Sets the amount of CPU requests for Keycloak containers.
  • Memory Requests: Sets the amount of memory requests for Keycloak containers.


  • CPU Limits: Sets the CPU limits for Elasticsearch containers.
  • Memory Limits: Sets the memory limits for Elasticsearch containers.
  • CPU Requests: Sets the amount of CPU requests for Elasticsearch containers.
  • Memory Requests: Sets the amount of memory requests Elasticsearch containers.
  • Data Replica Count: Sets the amount of data-only Elasticsearch replicas to deploy.
  • Data CPU Limits: Sets the CPU limits for data-only Elasticsearch containers.
  • Data Memory Limits: Sets the memory limits for data-only Elasticsearch containers.
  • Data CPU Requests: Sets the amount of CPU requests for data-only Elasticsearch containers.
  • Data Memory Requests: Sets the amount of requested memory for data-only Elasticsearch containers.
  • Master Replica Count: Sets the amount of master-eligible Elasticsearch replicas to deploy.
  • Master CPU Limits: Sets the CPU limits for master-eligible Elasticsearch containers.
  • Master Memory Limits: Sets the memory limits for master-eligible Elasticsearch containers.
  • Master CPU Requests: Sets the amount of CPU requests for master-eligible Elasticsearch containers.
  • Master Memory Requests: Sets the amount of memory requests for master-eligible Elasticsearch containers.