Index shard configuration

Content Intelligence Administration Guide

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An index shard is a unique subset of an index. Splitting an index into multiple shards allows the index to grow to a very large size and still be able to service requests in reasonable amounts of time.

Index shards are distributed amongst the instances that run the Index service. Index requests, such as user queries, are sent concurrently to multiple index shards.

To edit your index shard configuration values, follow the procedures below.

Increasing the number of shards or changing the Index Protetction Level

  1. Navigate to the Workflow API in Swagger.
  2. Copy the JSON representation of the index.
    1. Select GET /indexes/{uuid}.
    2. Click Try it out.
    3. Enter the UUID of your index into the indexUUID field.
    4. In the Server response section, copy the Response body.
  3. Edit the index.
    1. Select PUT /indexes/{uuid}.
    2. Click Try it out.
    3. Enter the UUID of your index into the indexUUID field.
    4. In the Server response section, delete the provided Edit Value Model text and paste the response body copied from step 2.
    5. In the pasted text, edit either the desiredShardCount or desiredIndexProtectionLevel value.
    6. Click Execute to apply the updated JSON.

Enabling/disabling shard monitoring or changing the Shard Monitoring Time Limit

  1. Navigate to the Workflow API in Swagger.
  2. Copy the JSON representation of the index.
    1. Select GET /indexes/solrOptions.
    2. Click Try it out.
    3. Click Execute to view all of the Solr options set for your indexes.
    4. Copy the Response body.
  3. Edit the index.
    1. Select PUT /indexes/solrOptions.
    2. Click Try it out.
    3. In the Request body section, delete the provided Edit Value Model text and paste the response body copied from step 2.
    4. In the pasted text, edit either the ENABLEDISABLENAME or shardMonitoringTimeLimit value.
    5. Click Execute to apply the updated JSON.

Rebalancing the shards of an index

  1. Navigate to the Workflow API in Swagger.
  2. Select POST indexes/{uuid}/queueRebalanceShards.
  3. Click Try it out.
  4. Enter the UUID of your index in the Index ID field.
  5. Click Execute.