Uploading a new PKCS12 certificate

Content Intelligence Administration Guide

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You can create an SSL server certificate by using a third-party tool such as OpenSSL. When creating the certificate, you specify two passwords: one for the PKCS12 object containing the certificate and one for the private key for the certificate. To use the certificate with your system, these passwords must be the same.

When you create your own SSL server certificate, you can choose to have that certificate signed by a certificate authority (CA). In this case, the CA you use may provide you with one or more intermediate certificates. These certificates are used in conjunction with the SSL server certificate you created to establish a certificate chain, which is an ordered list of certificates in which each certificate is trusted by the next.

To preserve the chain of trust among the certificates, you need to upload the certificates in the correct order. That is, each certificate you upload must be immediately followed by the certificate that signs it. For information on the correct order for the certificate chain, see your CA.

API call

POST /certificates/system/pkcs12

Request body





Return codes

Status code

HTTP name


201 Created The certificated was uploaded successfully.
400 Bad Request The request body contains an invalid entry, an invalid value for an entry, or invalid JSON.
409 Conflict The certificate already exists.