(optional) Configure volumes for services and jobs

Content Intelligence Installation Guide

Part Number
To change volumes usage:
  1. Click the Services or Jobs tab and select a service or job type to configure.
  2. Click the Volumes tab. This tab displays the system-managed volumes that the service supports. By default, each built-in service has both Data and Log volumes.
  3. For each volume, provide Docker volume creation information:
    1. In the Volume Driver field, specify the name of the volume driver that the volume should use. To not use any volume driver, specify bind-mount, which is the default setting.
      • Volume drivers are provided by Docker and other third-party developers, not by the Content Intelligence system itself. For information on volume drivers, their capabilities, and their valid configuration settings, see the applicable Docker or third-party developer's documentation.
      • The Workflow-Agent job type supports only the default bindmount setting. You cannot specify a volume driver for this job type.
    2. In the Option and Value fields, specify any optional parameters and their corresponding values for the volume driver:
      • If you're using the bind-mount setting, you can edit the value for the hostpath option to change the path where the volume's data is stored on each system instance. However, this must be a path within the Content Intelligence installation folder.
      • If you're using a volume driver:
        • Click the delete icon to remove the default hostpath option. This option applies only when you are using the bind-mount setting.
        • Type the name of a volume driver option in the Option field. Then type the corresponding parameter for that option in the Value field.
        • Click the plus-sign icon to add the option/value pair.
        • Repeat this procedure for each option/value pair you want to add.
      • For considerations regarding adding option/value pairs, see Considerations for option/value pairs.
  4. Repeat this procedure for each service or job type that you want to configure.