Unpack the installation package

Content Intelligence Getting Started Guide

Part Number
  1. Download the installation package HCI-<version_number>.tgz and store it in a directory on the server or virtual machine.
  2. In the largest disk partition on the server or virtual machine, create a directory named /hci:

    mkdir /<path>/hci

  3. Move the installation package to the directory /hci:

    mv /<path>/HCI-<version_number>.tgz /<path>/hci

  4. Navigate to the installation directory:

    cd /<path>/hci

  5. Unpack the installation package:

    tar -zxf HCI-<version_number>.tgz

    This creates a number of directories and folders within the installation directory.

  6. Run the installation script install, located within the directory matching the version number of the installation package:

    sudo ./cluster/<version_number>/bin/install

  • Don't change directories after running the installation script. The following steps are performed in your current directory, not under the version-specific directory.
  • The installation script can be run only once on an instance. You cannot rerun this script to try to repair or upgrade a system instance.