Error responses

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When an API request fails, the API returns:

  • An HTTP status code
  • A JSON-formatted error response body:
        "statusCode": <HTTP-status-code>,
        "errorCode": <system-specific-error-code>,
        "errorMessage": <message>,
        "errorProperties": [
                "name": <error-property>,
                "message": <error-property-message>

This table describes the typical reasons why these HTTP status codes are returned. For information on the status codes for a particular method, view the REST API web interface (see Viewing and using REST API methods).

HTTP error codes Description
400 (Bad Request) The request body contains one or more of these:
  • An entry that isn't valid
  • An incorrect value for an entry
  • Incorrectly formatted JSON
403 (Forbidden) You do not have permission to perform the request.
404 (File not found) The resource you are trying to retrieve or edit cannot be found.
409 (Conflict) The resource you are trying to create already exists.
500 (Server Error) The system experienced an error.

Note: Some API requests return HCM-specific error codes in addition to an HTTP status code. These error codes are listed in the errorCodes field in the JSON response body.

SSL certificate not trusted.
4001 The system license is expired.