Editing configuration preferences

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You can use the monitorcli.conf file to specify settings to use every time you run a command.

The CLI configuration files have this format:

"defaultSettings": {
"checkSSLCert": "[false|true]",(optional)
"server": "<hci-hostname>",(optional)
"realm": "[local|<security-realm-name>]",(optional)
"username": "<your-username>",(optional)
"password": "<your-password>" (optional)

For example, with the following configuration, all commands:

  • Are run against the hci.example.com system.
  • Check the SSL certificate for the system before connecting.
  • Uses the exampleUsersEast security realm to authenticate the specified username and password:
    "defaultSettings": {
    "checkSSLCert": "true",
    "server": "hci.example.com",
    "realm": "exampleUsersEast"
You can configure CLI preference files in two ways:
  • By editing the existing .conf files in the CLI installation directory.
  • By creating these files in a directory called .hci in your home directory:
    • On Linux: ~/.hci/monitorcli.conf
    • On Windows: %UserProfile%\.hci\monitorcli.conf

These criteria determine what values are used when you run a CLI command:

  • Options specified explicitly in a CLI command
  • Options specified in the user's home directory .conf file
  • Options specified in the CLI installation directory .conf file