(Optional) Reconfigure network.config on each server or virtual machine

Content Intelligence Installation Guide

Part Number
Important: To reconfigure networking for the System services, you must complete this step before you run the setup script on each server or virtual machine.

You cannot change networking for System services after running the script run or after starting HCI.service using systemd.

You can change these networking settings for each service in your product:

  • The ports that the service uses.
  • The network to listen on for incoming traffic, either internal or external.
To configure networking for the System services:
  1. On each server or virtual machine that is to be an HCI instance, use a text editor to open the file install_path/hci/config/network.config.
    The file contains two types of lines for each service:
    • Network type assignments:


      For example:


    • Port number assignments:


      For example:


  2. Type new port values for the services you want to configure.
    Note: If you reconfigure service ports, make sure that each port value you assign is unique across all services, both System services and HCI services.
    Note: By default, all System services are set to internal.

    If you're only using a single network, you can leave these settings as they are. This is because all system instances are assigned both internal and external IP addresses in HCI; if you're only using a single network type, the internal and external IP addresses for each instance are identical.

  3. On the lines containing _interface, specify the network that the service should use. Valid values are internal and external.
  4. Save your changes and exit the text editor.
Important: Ensure that the file network.config is identical on all HCI instances.