Allocating the BCM Web API log control dataset

Business Continuity Manager Web API Reference Guide

Part Number

For the BCM Web API, you need to allocate a BCM Web API log control dataset to exclusive BCM Web API log record datasets and to determine their output destinations.

Estimating the log control dataset

Secure a log control dataset that meets the following criterion:

  • The capacity is 1 TRK.

Log control dataset format

The log control dataset format is as follows:

  • RECFM: F or FB
  • LRECL: 80
  • BLKSIZE: A multiple of 80

Log control dataset name

For the log control dataset, use the following name, where BCM-Web-API-log-dataset-prefix is the value specified for the APILOGPREFIX parameter of the default parameter dataset.

  • BCM-Web-API-log-dataset-prefix.LOG0

Log control dataset permissions

For the log control dataset, grant the WRITE permission or a higher permission level to users of the TSO/E address space that starts the BCM Web API server.

Cataloging of the log dataset

Catalog the log dataset.