System configuration

Business Continuity Manager Web API Reference Guide

Part Number

The following figure shows a basic system configuration for using BCM Web API.

The REST API provided by the z/OSMF TSO/E address space services calls the BCM Web API.

When a Business Continuity Manager CLI command is issued as a request from a BCM Web API client, the BCM Web API server in the TSO/E address space receives the request. The BCM Web API server extracts the CLI command name and parameters in the request, and runs the Business Continuity Manager CLI command. After running the CLI command, the BCM Web API server returns the following to the client as the REST API response: the results of the CLI command issued to the storage system, and the TSO/E message.

z/OSMF receives an API request from a BCM Web API client, and then returns the results to the BCM Web API client as a JSON format object.

The BCM Web API server analyzes the API request, issues a Business Continuity Manager CLI command, and then returns the JSON format object from the response sent by the Business Continuity Manager CLI command.