The following is an example of stopping the BCM Web API server and then stopping the TSO/E address space.
Stop the BCM Web API server.
Request line
PUT https://z/OSMFserverIPaddress/zosmf/tsoApp/app/USERID-38-aabcaaaf/YKAPI
Request body
{"action":"exit" }
Response body
{"servletKey":"USERID-38-aabcaaaf","ver":"0100", "tsoData":[{"TSO MESSAGE":{"VERSION":"0100","DATA":"YK7399I The BCM Web API server has ended. RC=0"}}], "reused":false, "timeout":false}
Stop the TSO/E address space.
Request line
DELETE https://z/OSMFserverIPaddress/zosmf/tso/USERID-38-aabcaaaf
Request body
Response body
{"servletKey":"USERID-38-aabcaaaf","ver":"0100","reused":false, "timeout":false}