Getting volume information

Business Continuity Manager Web API Reference Guide

Part Number

The following is an example of the operation to get volume information by using Figure 1.

Scan the command device and then scan the volume for the copy pair. Scan command devices in route order (primary site, intermediate site, remote site).

Creating a disk configuration definition file for the primary site command device (YKBTSCAN)

Using a batch scan, get information about the volumes for the primary site command device. Then create a disk configuration definition file.

Request line
PUT https://IP-address-of-the-z/OSMF-server/zosmf/tsoApp/app/USERID-38-aabcaaaf/YKAPI
Request body

For the cliname key, specify YKBTSCAN. For the CLIPARMS key array, specify the parameters of YKBTSCAN by using no more than 80 characters.

{"cliname":"YKBTSCAN", "operands":"SPACE(5,1)", "CLIPARMS":[
] }

The PREFIX, DAD, and ROUTE parameters can be omitted because their values are the same as those of the default parameters.

Response body
"appData":{"bcmVer":"099100", "vendor":"Hitachi Vantara, Ltd.", "rc":0, "bcmMsg":[], "action":"submit", "cliname":"YKBTSCAN", "operands":"SPACE(5,1)"}, "reused":false, "timeout":false}

If true is output to the timeout key, as in the following, this indicates that the CLI command is still running.

{"servletKey":"USERID-38-aabcaaaf","ver":"0100","reused":false, "timeout":true}

Run the following API request at intervals until false is output to the timeout key.

Request line
GET https://IP-address-of-the-z/OSMF-server/zosmf/tsoApp/app/USERID-38-aabcaaaf/YKAPI
Request body

Creating a disk configuration definition file for the intermediate site command device (YKBTSCAN)

Using a batch scan, get information about the volumes for the intermediate site command device. Then create a disk configuration definition file.

Request line
PUT https://IP-address-of-the-z/OSMF-server/zosmf/tsoApp/app/USERID-38-aabcaaaf/YKAPI
Request body

For the cliname key, specify YKBTSCAN. For the CLIPARMS key array, specify the parameters of YKBTSCAN by using no more than 80 characters.

{"cliname":"YKBTSCAN", "operands":"SPACE(5,1)", "CLIPARMS":[
"SN(22222) RANGE(2211:2212) DUMMY(2211,CCA)"
] }

The PREFIX, DAD, and ROUTE parameters can be omitted because their values are the same as those of the default parameters.

Response body
"appData":{"bcmVer":"099100", "vendor":"Hitachi Vantara, Ltd.", "rc":0, "bcmMsg":[], "action":"submit", "cliname":"YKBTSCAN", "operands":"SPACE(5,1)"}, "reused":false, "timeout":false}

If true is output to the timeout key, as in the following, this indicates that the CLI command is still running.

{"servletKey":"USERID-38-aabcaaaf","ver":"0100","reused":false, "timeout":true}

Run the following API request at intervals until false is output to the timeout key.

Request line
GET https://IP-address-of-the-z/OSMF-server/zosmf/tsoApp/app/USERID-38-aabcaaaf/YKAPI
Request body

Creating a disk configuration definition file for the remote site command device (YKBTSCAN)

Using a batch scan, get information about the volumes for the remote site command device. Then create a disk configuration definition file.

Request line
PUT https://IP-address-of-the-z/OSMF-server/zosmf/tsoApp/app/USERID-38-aabcaaaf/YKAPI
Request body

For the cliname key, specify YKBTSCAN. For the CLIPARMS key array, specify the parameters of YKBTSCAN by using no more than 80 characters.

{"cliname":"YKBTSCAN", "operands":"SPACE(5,1)", "CLIPARMS":[
"SN(33333) RANGE(3311:3312) DUMMY(3311,CCA)",
] }

The PREFIX, DAD, and ROUTE parameters can be omitted because their values are the same as those of the default parameters.

Response body
"appData":{"bcmVer":"099100", "vendor":"Hitachi Vantara, Ltd.", "rc":0, "bcmMsg":[], "action":"submit", "cliname":"YKBTSCAN", "operands":"SPACE(5,1)"}, "reused":false, "timeout":false}

If true is output to the timeout key, as in the following, this indicates that the CLI command is still running.

{"servletKey":"USERID-38-aabcaaaf","ver":"0100","reused":false, "timeout":true}

Run the following API request at intervals until false is output to the timeout key.

Request line
GET https://IP-address-of-the-z/OSMF-server/zosmf/tsoApp/app/USERID-38-aabcaaaf/YKAPI
Request body

Creating a disk configuration definition file for the volumes for the copy pairs (YKBTSCAN)

Using a batch scan, get information about the volumes to be included in the copy group. Then create a disk configuration definition file.

Request line
PUT https://IP-address-of-the-z/OSMF-server/zosmf/tsoApp/app/USERID-38-aabcaaaf/YKAPI
Request body

For the cliname key, specify YKBTSCAN. For the CLIPARMS key array, specify the parameters of YKBTSCAN by using no more than 80 characters.

{"cliname":"YKBTSCAN", "operands":"SPACE(5,1)", "CLIPARMS":[
"SN(22222) RANGE(2230:2232) DUMMY(2230,CCA)",
"SN(33333) RANGE(3330:3332) DUMMY(3330,CCA)"
] }

The PREFIX, DAD, and ROUTE parameters can be omitted because their values are the same as those of the default parameters.

Response body
"appData":{"bcmVer":"099100", "vendor":"Hitachi Vantara, Ltd.", "rc":0, "bcmMsg":[], "action":"submit", "cliname":"YKBTSCAN", "operands":"SPACE(5,1)"}, "reused":false, "timeout":false}

If true is output to the timeout key, as in the following, this indicates that the CLI command is still running.

{"servletKey":"USERID-38-aabcaaaf","ver":"0100","reused":false, "timeout":true}

Run the following API request at intervals until false is output to the timeout key.

Request line
GET https://IP-address-of-the-z/OSMF-server/zosmf/tsoApp/app/USERID-38-aabcaaaf/YKAPI
Request body

Confirming that the disk configuration definition file has been generated (YKLISTID)

Request line
PUT https://IP-address-of-the-z/OSMF-server/zosmf/tsoApp/app/USERID-38-aabcaaaf/YKAPI
Request body

For the cliname key, specify YKLISTID. For the operands key, specify CONFIG(HDA) (output of the disk configuration definition file).

{"cliname":"YKLISTID", "operands":"CONFIG(HDA) "PREFIX(USERID.PREFIX)" }

The PREFIX parameter can be omitted because its value is the same as that of the default parameter.

Example of a response body
"appData":{"bcmVer":"099100", "vendor":"Hitachi Vantara, Ltd.", "rc":0, "bcmMsg":[], 
"cliname":"YKLISTID", "operands":"CONFIG(HDA) PREFIX(USERID.PREFIX)", "config":[
  {"type":"HDA", "ID":"SN11111.LOCAL", "load":"false"},
  {"type":"HDA", "ID":"SN22222.MID", "load":"false"}
  {"type":"HDA", "ID":"SN33333.REMOTE", "load":"false"}
] }, "reused":false, "timeout":false}

Checking the contents of the disk configuration definition file (YKGETHDA)

First, check the contents of the disk configuration definition file for the storage system at the primary site.

Example of a request line
PUT https://IP-address-of-the-z/OSMF-server/zosmf/tsoApp/app/USERID-38-aabcaaaf/YKAPI
Request body

For the cliname key, specify YKGETHDA. For the SN parameter of the operands key, specify the storage system serial number 11111. For the DAD parameter, specify LOCAL.

{"cliname":"YKGETHDA", "operands":"SN(11111) DAD(LOCAL) PREFIX(USERID.PREFIX)" }

The PREFIX and DAD parameters can be omitted because their values are the same as those of the default parameters.

Response body
"appData":{"bcmVer":"099100", "vendor":"Hitachi Vantara, Ltd.", "rc":0, "bcmMsg":[], "action":"submit", 
"operands":"CONFIG(HDA) PREFIX(USERID.PREFIX)", "prefix":"USERID.PREFIX", "snHda":[
{"DADID":"LOCAL", "serialNum":"11111", "updateID":"CC709D46FD7D0000", 
 "model":"VSPG1000", "microcode":"80010003", "IFType":"4040",
 "physicalSerialNum":"11111", "LDKCNum":"0",  "NGDADIDEnable":false, 
 "keySI":true, "keyTC":true,"keyUR":true,"ccaHda":[
  {"CUNum":"11", "CCA":"11", "SSID":"1111", "schSet":"0", "devn":"1101",
   "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" },
  {"CUNum":"11", "CCA":"12", "SSID":"1111", "schSet":"0", "devn":"1102", 
   "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" },
  {"CUNum":"11", "CCA":"30", "SSID":"1111", "schSet":"0", "devn":"1130", 
   "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" },
  {"CUNum":"11", "CCA":"31", "SSID":"1111", "schSet":"0", "devn":"1131", 
   "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" },
  {"CUNum":"11", "CCA":"32", "SSID":"1111", "schSet":"0", "devn":"1132", 
   "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" }
] }  ]}, "reused":false, "timeout":false}

Next, check the contents of the disk configuration definition file for the storage system at the intermediate site.

Example of a request body

For the cliname key value, specify YKGETHDA. For the SN parameter of the operands key, specify the storage system serial number 22222. For the DAD parameter, specify MID.

{"cliname":"YKGETHDA", "operands":"SN(22222) DAD(MID) PREFIX(USERID.PREFIX)" }

The PREFIX parameter can be omitted because its value is the same as that of the default parameter.

Response body
"appData":{"bcmVer":"099100", "vendor":"Hitachi Vantara, Ltd.", "rc":0, "bcmMsg":[], "action":"submit", 
"operands":"CONFIG(HDA) PREFIX(USERID.PREFIX)", "prefix":"USERID.PREFIX", "snHda":[
{"DADID":"MID", "serialNum":"22222", "updateID":"CC709D46FD7D0000",
 "model":"VSPG1000", "microcode":"80010003", "IFType":"4040",
 "physicalSerialNum":"22222", "LDKCNum":"0",  "NGDADIDEnable":false,
 "keySI":true, "keyTC":true,"keyUR":true,"ccaHda":[
  {"CUNum":"22", "CCA":"11", "SSID":"2211", "schSet":"0","devn":"2211",
   "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" }
  {"CUNum":"22", "CCA":"12", "SSID":"2211", "schSet":"0","devn":"2212",
   "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" }
  {"CUNum":"22", "CCA":"30", "SSID":"2211", "schSet":"0","devn":"2230",
   "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" }
  {"CUNum":"22", "CCA":"31", "SSID":"2211", "schSet":"0","devn":"2231",
   "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" }
  {"CUNum":"22", "CCA":"32", "SSID":"2211", "schSet":"0","devn":"2232",
   "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" }
] }  ]}, "reused":false, "timeout":false}

Finally, check the contents of the disk configuration definition file for the storage system at the remote site.

Request body

For the cliname key value, specify YKGETHDA. For the SN parameter of the operands key, specify the storage system serial number 33333. For the DAD parameter, specify REMOTE.

{"cliname":"YKGETHDA", "operands":"SN(33333) DAD(REMOTE) PREFIX(USERID.PREFIX)" }

The PREFIX parameter can be omitted because its value is the same as that of the default parameter.

Example of a response body
"appData":{"bcmVer":"099100", "vendor":"Hitachi Vantara, Ltd.", "rc":0, "bcmMsg":[], "action":"submit", 
"operands":"CONFIG(HDA) PREFIX(USERID.PREFIX)", "prefix":"USERID.PREFIX", "snHda":[
{"DADID":"REMOTE", "serialNum":"33333", "updateID":"CC709D46FD7D0000",
 "model":"VSPG1000", "microcode":"80010003", "IFType":"4040",
 "physicalSerialNum":"33333", "LDKCNum":"0",  "NGDADIDEnable":false,
 "keySI":true, "keyTC":true,"keyUR":true,"ccaHda":[
  {"CUNum":"33", "CCA":"11", "SSID":"3311", "schSet":"0","devn":"3311",
   "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" }
  {"CUNum":"33", "CCA":"12", "SSID":"3311", "schSet":"0","devn":"3312",
   "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" }
  {"CUNum":"33", "CCA":"30", "SSID":"3311", "schSet":"0","devn":"3330",
   "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" }
  {"CUNum":"33", "CCA":"31", "SSID":"3311", "schSet":"0","devn":"3331",
   "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" }
  {"CUNum":"33", "CCA":"32", "SSID":"3311", "schSet":"0","devn":"3332",
   "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" }
] }  ]}, "reused":false, "timeout":false}