Scan the command device and then scan the volume for the copy pair. Scan command devices in route order (primary site, intermediate site, remote site).
Creating a disk configuration definition file for the primary site command device (YKBTSCAN)
Using a batch scan, get information about the volumes for the primary site command device. Then create a disk configuration definition file.
- Request body
For the cliname key, specify YKBTSCAN. For the CLIPARMS key array, specify the parameters of YKBTSCAN by using no more than 80 characters.
{"cliname":"YKBTSCAN", "operands":"SPACE(5,1)", "CLIPARMS":[ "PREFIX(USERID.PREFIX)", "ROUTE(ROUTE01)", "DAD(LOCAL)", "DEVN(1101:1102)" ] }
The PREFIX, DAD, and ROUTE parameters can be omitted because their values are the same as those of the default parameters.
- Response body
{"servletKey":"USERID-38-aabcaaaf","ver":"0100", "appData":{"bcmVer":"099100", "vendor":"Hitachi Vantara, Ltd.", "rc":0, "bcmMsg":[], "action":"submit", "cliname":"YKBTSCAN", "operands":"SPACE(5,1)"}, "reused":false, "timeout":false}
If true is output to the timeout key, as in the following, this indicates that the CLI command is still running.
{"servletKey":"USERID-38-aabcaaaf","ver":"0100","reused":false, "timeout":true}
Run the following API request at intervals until false is output to the timeout key.
Creating a disk configuration definition file for the intermediate site command device (YKBTSCAN)
Using a batch scan, get information about the volumes for the intermediate site command device. Then create a disk configuration definition file.
- Request body
For the cliname key, specify YKBTSCAN. For the CLIPARMS key array, specify the parameters of YKBTSCAN by using no more than 80 characters.
{"cliname":"YKBTSCAN", "operands":"SPACE(5,1)", "CLIPARMS":[ "PREFIX(USERID.PREFIX)", "ROUTE(ROUTE01)", "DAD(LOCAL)", "RDAD(MID)", "SN(22222) RANGE(2211:2212) DUMMY(2211,CCA)" ] }
The PREFIX, DAD, and ROUTE parameters can be omitted because their values are the same as those of the default parameters.
- Response body
{"servletKey":"USERID-38-aabcaaaf","ver":"0100", "appData":{"bcmVer":"099100", "vendor":"Hitachi Vantara, Ltd.", "rc":0, "bcmMsg":[], "action":"submit", "cliname":"YKBTSCAN", "operands":"SPACE(5,1)"}, "reused":false, "timeout":false}
If true is output to the timeout key, as in the following, this indicates that the CLI command is still running.
{"servletKey":"USERID-38-aabcaaaf","ver":"0100","reused":false, "timeout":true}
Run the following API request at intervals until false is output to the timeout key.
Creating a disk configuration definition file for the remote site command device (YKBTSCAN)
Using a batch scan, get information about the volumes for the remote site command device. Then create a disk configuration definition file.
- Request body
For the cliname key, specify YKBTSCAN. For the CLIPARMS key array, specify the parameters of YKBTSCAN by using no more than 80 characters.
{"cliname":"YKBTSCAN", "operands":"SPACE(5,1)", "CLIPARMS":[ "PREFIX(USERID.PREFIX)", "ROUTE(ROUTE01)", "DAD(LOCAL)", "RDAD(REMOTE)", "SN(33333) RANGE(3311:3312) DUMMY(3311,CCA)", ] }
The PREFIX, DAD, and ROUTE parameters can be omitted because their values are the same as those of the default parameters.
- Response body
{"servletKey":"USERID-38-aabcaaaf","ver":"0100", "appData":{"bcmVer":"099100", "vendor":"Hitachi Vantara, Ltd.", "rc":0, "bcmMsg":[], "action":"submit", "cliname":"YKBTSCAN", "operands":"SPACE(5,1)"}, "reused":false, "timeout":false}
If true is output to the timeout key, as in the following, this indicates that the CLI command is still running.
{"servletKey":"USERID-38-aabcaaaf","ver":"0100","reused":false, "timeout":true}
Run the following API request at intervals until false is output to the timeout key.
Creating a disk configuration definition file for the volumes for the copy pairs (YKBTSCAN)
Using a batch scan, get information about the volumes to be included in the copy group. Then create a disk configuration definition file.
- Request body
For the cliname key, specify YKBTSCAN. For the CLIPARMS key array, specify the parameters of YKBTSCAN by using no more than 80 characters.
{"cliname":"YKBTSCAN", "operands":"SPACE(5,1)", "CLIPARMS":[ "PREFIX(USERID.PREFIX)", "ROUTE(ROUTE01)", "DAD(LOCAL)", "DEVN(1130:1132)", "RDAD(MID)", "SN(22222) RANGE(2230:2232) DUMMY(2230,CCA)", "RDAD(REMOTE)", "SN(33333) RANGE(3330:3332) DUMMY(3330,CCA)" ] }
The PREFIX, DAD, and ROUTE parameters can be omitted because their values are the same as those of the default parameters.
- Response body
{"servletKey":"USERID-38-aabcaaaf","ver":"0100", "appData":{"bcmVer":"099100", "vendor":"Hitachi Vantara, Ltd.", "rc":0, "bcmMsg":[], "action":"submit", "cliname":"YKBTSCAN", "operands":"SPACE(5,1)"}, "reused":false, "timeout":false}
If true is output to the timeout key, as in the following, this indicates that the CLI command is still running.
{"servletKey":"USERID-38-aabcaaaf","ver":"0100","reused":false, "timeout":true}
Run the following API request at intervals until false is output to the timeout key.
Confirming that the disk configuration definition file has been generated (YKLISTID)
- Request body
For the cliname key, specify YKLISTID. For the operands key, specify CONFIG(HDA) (output of the disk configuration definition file).
{"cliname":"YKLISTID", "operands":"CONFIG(HDA) "PREFIX(USERID.PREFIX)" }
The PREFIX parameter can be omitted because its value is the same as that of the default parameter.
- Example of a response body
{"servletKey":"USERID-38-aabcaaaf","ver":"0100", "appData":{"bcmVer":"099100", "vendor":"Hitachi Vantara, Ltd.", "rc":0, "bcmMsg":[], "action":"submit", "cliname":"YKLISTID", "operands":"CONFIG(HDA) PREFIX(USERID.PREFIX)", "config":[ {"type":"HDA", "ID":"SN11111.LOCAL", "load":"false"}, {"type":"HDA", "ID":"SN22222.MID", "load":"false"} {"type":"HDA", "ID":"SN33333.REMOTE", "load":"false"} ] }, "reused":false, "timeout":false}
Checking the contents of the disk configuration definition file (YKGETHDA)
First, check the contents of the disk configuration definition file for the storage system at the primary site.
- Example of a request line
PUT https://IP-address-of-the-z/OSMF-server/zosmf/tsoApp/app/USERID-38-aabcaaaf/YKAPI
- Request body
For the cliname key, specify YKGETHDA. For the SN parameter of the operands key, specify the storage system serial number 11111. For the DAD parameter, specify LOCAL.
{"cliname":"YKGETHDA", "operands":"SN(11111) DAD(LOCAL) PREFIX(USERID.PREFIX)" }
The PREFIX and DAD parameters can be omitted because their values are the same as those of the default parameters.
- Response body
{"servletKey":"USERID-38-aabcaaaf","ver":"0100", "appData":{"bcmVer":"099100", "vendor":"Hitachi Vantara, Ltd.", "rc":0, "bcmMsg":[], "action":"submit", "cliname":"YKGETHDA", "operands":"CONFIG(HDA) PREFIX(USERID.PREFIX)", "prefix":"USERID.PREFIX", "snHda":[ {"DADID":"LOCAL", "serialNum":"11111", "updateID":"CC709D46FD7D0000", "model":"VSPG1000", "microcode":"80010003", "IFType":"4040", "physicalSerialNum":"11111", "LDKCNum":"0", "NGDADIDEnable":false, "keySI":true, "keyTC":true,"keyUR":true,"ccaHda":[ {"CUNum":"11", "CCA":"11", "SSID":"1111", "schSet":"0", "devn":"1101", "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" }, {"CUNum":"11", "CCA":"12", "SSID":"1111", "schSet":"0", "devn":"1102", "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" }, {"CUNum":"11", "CCA":"30", "SSID":"1111", "schSet":"0", "devn":"1130", "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" }, {"CUNum":"11", "CCA":"31", "SSID":"1111", "schSet":"0", "devn":"1131", "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" }, {"CUNum":"11", "CCA":"32", "SSID":"1111", "schSet":"0", "devn":"1132", "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" } ] } ]}, "reused":false, "timeout":false}
Next, check the contents of the disk configuration definition file for the storage system at the intermediate site.
- Example of a request body
For the cliname key value, specify YKGETHDA. For the SN parameter of the operands key, specify the storage system serial number 22222. For the DAD parameter, specify MID.
{"cliname":"YKGETHDA", "operands":"SN(22222) DAD(MID) PREFIX(USERID.PREFIX)" }
The PREFIX parameter can be omitted because its value is the same as that of the default parameter.
- Response body
{"servletKey":"USERID-38-aabcaaaf","ver":"0100", "appData":{"bcmVer":"099100", "vendor":"Hitachi Vantara, Ltd.", "rc":0, "bcmMsg":[], "action":"submit", "cliname":"YKGETHDA", "operands":"CONFIG(HDA) PREFIX(USERID.PREFIX)", "prefix":"USERID.PREFIX", "snHda":[ {"DADID":"MID", "serialNum":"22222", "updateID":"CC709D46FD7D0000", "model":"VSPG1000", "microcode":"80010003", "IFType":"4040", "physicalSerialNum":"22222", "LDKCNum":"0", "NGDADIDEnable":false, "keySI":true, "keyTC":true,"keyUR":true,"ccaHda":[ {"CUNum":"22", "CCA":"11", "SSID":"2211", "schSet":"0","devn":"2211", "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" } {"CUNum":"22", "CCA":"12", "SSID":"2211", "schSet":"0","devn":"2212", "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" } {"CUNum":"22", "CCA":"30", "SSID":"2211", "schSet":"0","devn":"2230", "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" } {"CUNum":"22", "CCA":"31", "SSID":"2211", "schSet":"0","devn":"2231", "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" } {"CUNum":"22", "CCA":"32", "SSID":"2211", "schSet":"0","devn":"2232", "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" } ] } ]}, "reused":false, "timeout":false}
Finally, check the contents of the disk configuration definition file for the storage system at the remote site.
- Request body
For the cliname key value, specify YKGETHDA. For the SN parameter of the operands key, specify the storage system serial number 33333. For the DAD parameter, specify REMOTE.
{"cliname":"YKGETHDA", "operands":"SN(33333) DAD(REMOTE) PREFIX(USERID.PREFIX)" }
The PREFIX parameter can be omitted because its value is the same as that of the default parameter.
- Example of a response body
{"servletKey":"USERID-38-aabcaaaf","ver":"0100", "appData":{"bcmVer":"099100", "vendor":"Hitachi Vantara, Ltd.", "rc":0, "bcmMsg":[], "action":"submit", "cliname":"YKGETHDA", "operands":"CONFIG(HDA) PREFIX(USERID.PREFIX)", "prefix":"USERID.PREFIX", "snHda":[ {"DADID":"REMOTE", "serialNum":"33333", "updateID":"CC709D46FD7D0000", "model":"VSPG1000", "microcode":"80010003", "IFType":"4040", "physicalSerialNum":"33333", "LDKCNum":"0", "NGDADIDEnable":false, "keySI":true, "keyTC":true,"keyUR":true,"ccaHda":[ {"CUNum":"33", "CCA":"11", "SSID":"3311", "schSet":"0","devn":"3311", "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" } {"CUNum":"33", "CCA":"12", "SSID":"3311", "schSet":"0","devn":"3312", "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" } {"CUNum":"33", "CCA":"30", "SSID":"3311", "schSet":"0","devn":"3330", "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" } {"CUNum":"33", "CCA":"31", "SSID":"3311", "schSet":"0","devn":"3331", "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" } {"CUNum":"33", "CCA":"32", "SSID":"3311", "schSet":"0","devn":"3332", "cyls":"69006", "external":"N" } ] } ]}, "reused":false, "timeout":false}